Something Wicked (2)

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I removed my hands from the side of his face. I looked up at him to see tears in his eyes.

"That was not your fault Dean." I reassured.

"But it was."

"It wasn't, we're both fine, it wasn't your fault, now hurry before Sammy gets back, but Dean, you should tell him, okay?"

All he did was nod. I kissed his cheek and walked off to my bed right as Sam opened the door.

I was laying on Dean and I's bed when Sam spoke up.

"Well you were right, it wasn't very easy to find, a shtriga is a kind of witch, they're Albanian, but legends about them date back to Ancient Rome, they feed off of spiritus vitae."

"Spirt huh now?" I asked sitting up straight from the bed.

"Vitae, it's Latin, it translates to, 'Breath of Life,' kind of like your life force or essence."

"Didn't the doctor say the kids' bodies were wearing out?" Dean asked.

"It's a thought, you know she takes your vitality, maybe your immunity goes to hell, pneumonia takes hold, anyway, shtrigas can feed off of anyone, but they prefer-"

"Children." Dean cut Sam off.

"Yeah, probably because they have stronger life force and get this, shtrigas are invulnerable to all weapons by god and man." Sam added.

"Well that's great." I sarcastically replied.

"No, that's not right, she's vulnerable when she feeds." Dean remarked.

"What?" I asked as Dean rummaged through his bag.

"If you catch her when she's eating, you can blast her with consecrated wrought irons, buckshot or rounds I think." Dean concluded.

"How do you know that?" Sam asked our older brother.

"Dad told me, I remember."

"Oh, so uh, anything else dad might have mentioned?" Sam scoffed.

I gave him a warning look, as in don't push it.

"No, that's it, what?" Dean remarked.


"Okay so, assuming we can kill it when it eats, we've still got to find the thing first, which ain't gonna be a cakewalk." I said breaking the tension.

"Shtrigas take on a human disguise when they're not hunting." Sam added.

"What kind of human disguise?" Dean asked looking down into a book.

"Historically, something innocuous, it could be anything, but it's usually a feeble old woman, which may be how the witches-as-old-crones legend got started."

My eyes shot towards Dean as he whipped his head towards me. The weird old lady from the hospital.

"Hang on." I walked over to my newspaper, picked it up and walked over to the boys.

"Dean and I marked down all the addresses of the victims, now these are the houses that have been hit so far, and dead center-"

"The hospital." My brother's said in unison.

"Bingo." I smirked.

"When we were there, Babe and I saw a patient, an old woman." Dean admitted.

"An old person huh?" Sam taunted.


"In the hospital, woah, better call the coast guard." Sam mocked as he laughed.

Harley Winchester - Season 1- Supernatural Rewrite Where stories live. Discover now