The Benders

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I didn't want to show my powers in front of people. I didn't want them to be afraid of me, I'm just as good a hunter without using them. I'll only ever use my powers in front of people if I absolutely, positively have too. The only people I wanted to know about my magic is my brothers. Who were right now, asking a mother questions about what her son saw about the disappearance of a man.

I myself was walking around the room and seeing if I could pick up on any little clues.

"I know you're just doing your job, but the police have been here all week already, I don't see why we have to go through this again, the more he tells the story the more he believes it's true." The mother went off.

"Mrs. McKay, we know you spoke with the local authorities." Sam stated.

"But this seems like a matter for the state police." Dean spoke up.

I continued walking around the little boys room looking at various monster movies and toys.

"Don't worry about how crazy it sounds, Evan, you just tell us what you saw." Sam said calmly.

I walked up between my brothers and listened.

"I was up late watching TV, when I heard this weird noise." The little boy told us.

"What did it sound like?" I asked.

"It sounded like a monster."

I looked up at both my brothers when the mother spoke up again.

"Tell the officers what you were watching on TV."

"Um, Godzilla vs. Mothra."

A smile grew on Dean's face as he chuckled. That was his favorite Godzilla movie.

"That's my favorite Godzilla movie, it's so much better than the original huh." He spoke my thoughts as I smiled.

"Totally." Evan agreed.

"Yeah, he likes the remake." Dean muttered while pointing at Sam.


The two's conversation was cut off by Sam clearing his throat.

"Evan, did you see what this thing was?" I questioned the boy.

"No, but I saw it grab Mr. Jenkins, it pulled him underneath the car."

"Then what?"

"It took him away, I heard the monster leaving, it made this really scary sound."

"What did it sound like Evan?" Sam asked in a very calm voice.

"Like this, whining growl."

I looked up at both my brothers then back to the small family.

"Thank you for your time."

With that, we walked out the door and left.

Lately I have been, very stressed, and my brothers knew it. I wanted to figure out what killed my parents. I want to avenge them. I have a feeling it's that same thing that killed Mary, the same thing John is chasing, but I don't know all the facts yet. I have just been off my game. I want so badly to figure out what I am. A monster? I don't know. So when Dean drove into the parking lot of a bar, I was all for it. I needed a few drinks in me, and by a few, I meant more than a dozen.

I was sitting across Sammy with 4 empty shot glasses in front of me, and I was a bit tipsy, not gonna lie.

"So, the local police have now ruled out foul play, apparently there were signs of a struggle." Sam informed us.

Harley Winchester - Season 1- Supernatural Rewrite Where stories live. Discover now