"They could be right, could be just a kidnapping." Dean declared from where he stood a few feet away at the dart board.

"Maybe this isn't our kind of thing." I added taking another swig of my beer as an attractive male brought me 3 more shots. I immediately smiled as I downed one.

"Yeah, maybe not, except for this, dad marked the area, 'Possible hunting grounds of a phantom attacker."

Dean walked over to us and took a swig of my beer.

"Why would he even do that?" He asked us as I drank the last shot.

"Well, he found a lot of local folklore about a dark figure that comes out at night, grabs people, then vanishes." Sam explained.

"He found this too, this county has more missing persons per capital than anywhere else in the state." I added.

"That is weird." Dean admitted as he went back to the dart board.

I stuck my hand up and pointed at the cute bartender, holding up the shot glass in one hand and the number five in the other. He smiled and nodded. I winked and looked back at Sam who was giving me a bitch face.

"What?" I asked him while trying to get myself to stop swaying.

"Pea, I think you've had enough."

"Yeah, Bean you've had like 7 shots and 2 beers." Dean observed while counting the upside down glasses on the table.

"I'm fine." I lied.

"Look babe, we get it you're stressed but-" I cut Sam off.

"I said, I'm fine." I glared at both my brothers, Sam sighed and continued with the case.

"Don't phantom attackers usually snatch people from their beds?" Dean asked as I was given 5 more shots. Without thinking, I took all 5.

"Jenkins was taken from a parking lot." I commented.

"Well, there are all kinds, you know, Springherled Jacks, Phantom Gassers, they take people anywhere, anytime, look guys, I don't know if this is our kind of gig, either." Sam informed us.

"Yeah you're right, we should ask around more tomorrow." Dean concluded.

With that I got up and walked over to a pool table filled with bikers that I was about to hustle. Just this time, I didn't have to act drunk, I was so shitfaced drunk.

"I would love to play with you boys." I said in a seductive tone.

"Hon, this is a man's game." One of the bald bikers told me.

"Well that's why you big strong men are going to have to teach me how."

I squeezed one of their biceps and winked. After that, I was inappropriately groped while they "teached" me how to play. I was better than all these asshats combined, even when I could see two cue sticks.

"Ahh boo, you guys won." I pouted as I turned to see my brothers staring at me. They knew I was hustling them, but still didn't like me being touched by men.

"Sorry, sweetheart, I told ya, man's game."

"Double or nothing?" I asked the guy in the same seductive voice.

"Sure sweetheart what's some extra money." He laughed along with his three other friends.

I turned and smirked at my brothers. I looked back at the table and tried my hardest to only see one white ball. I lined up my shot and let my hand go flying foward. All the balls went exactly where I wanted them to. I continued this until, all of the striped balls were in.

"And that's game." I picked up the cash as I saw their faces growing red with anger.

I could take the 4 of them on anyday, other than this one, because I'm not sure I could swing my fist in the direction I would want it to go. So I did the only thing I could think of, ran to the safety of my brothers. Once I reached our table, they stood up and made a wall between me and the bikers. I kept on squeezing my eyes shut and reopening them to see if my vision would focus but it never did. I know what you're thinking, Harley, you're a hunter, you should never get this drunk, but hey, I needed it, my hair was falling out from the amount of stress I was under.

"How can we help you fellas?" Dean asked with Sam right beside him.

"She hustled us!" One of them yelled.

"What, so you are really going to fight a small, 120 pound girl?" Sam asked knowing damn well that me, the 120 pound girl, would win on any other day.

The bikers were tall and big, but my brothers were taller and bigger.

"I suggest you walk away." Dean bit out with a threatening face.

The 4 of them grunted and walked away. My brothers lost their mean facade and turned back to me.

"How much did you get babe?" Dean asked as I took out the cash.

"800!" I sang.

Both of them laughed.

"I'm gonna go put the cash in the car."

"Be careful." They said simultaneously.

I saluted them and walked out the bar door. I'm surprised I was still even walking, well it wasn't straight.

I was a few feet from the Impala when I stopped in my tracks. I could hear chains dragging on the floor. I walked cautiously the rest of the way and rubber banned the money together. Stopping at the hood of the car, I took out my flashlight and shined it around, only to see nothing.

I got down on my knees and looked under the Impala only to get scared shitless by 2 cats, or one, honestly I can't even think straight. Well that's what 12 shots and 3 beers well do to you.

"Stupid cat."

I got up off my knees and swayed to the Impala's backseat door. I opened the door and was about to toss the money in when something grabbed my feet. I fell back and hit the car next to me with my head causing the glass to shatter. My vision was even worse now, as I felt some of the glass go into my arms and shoulders. My head then slammed onto the black top, as darkness took over.

Harley Winchester - Season 1- Supernatural Rewrite Where stories live. Discover now