When he left, I turned around and walked back, this time to the passengers side of the Mercedes. I pulled the door open and got in.

Elliot turned to me in surprise, pulling his ear buds out of his ear. “What are you doing here?”

I didn't answer him, instead replying, “Take me to Widows drive camping site, we're going to be spending the night there.”

“Wait what? Margo, what is going on?”

I reached for my seatbelt, buckling it before turning to him. “Don't ask any questions. Just take me to the camping site, I'll explain when we get there.”

He sighed in resignation, before starting up the car and pulling out of the school onto the road.

I waited until the car had pulled out of the school before turning to him. My eyes involuntarily ran down his body, he always had a way of making the school uniform look appealing.

We were about halfway there before I spoke up. “You and I are spending the rest of the day together. You'll be gone by tomorrow so I want to you to spend your last day here with me just like I promised.” I finished with a smile. When we started going to school, it had become like a tradition to spend the first and last day together. The last time we were like this was on the first day of highschool, freshman year. He had made me promise that when we finally graduated highschool, no matter how much older and more mature we were or whatever social standing we were, we would spend our last day together and here I was, ready to fulfill my promise.

He smiled sadly, shaking his head. “I swear I don't deserve you.”

I didn't say anything to that because well, what does one say to something like that.

He ran his hand through his brown hair before placing it on his leg, his eyes trained on the road. “I know I've said this before but... I still want you to know that I'm really sorry about what I did Margo. I... You didn't deserve that and I'm such a jerk.”

“No you're not. We've all hurt people in one way or another, that doesn't automatically make us bad people.”

He sighed, running his had over his face. “But not like that Margo... Not like that. You were my best friend, you were like my sister and you told me that you loved me and instead of just coming clean and telling you that I felt the same way, I humiliated you. Why? Because I was so dam proud and I didn't want to look stupid in front of those idiots I consider friends.”

I held my breath, afraid that if I spoke I would say the wrong thing instead I kept quiet and let him vent out his pent up frustration. I looked out the window, noticing that we had already pulled into the camping grounds. He drove around for a while before finding a spot to park. Immediately he turned the ignition off, he turned to me with a pained look on his face.

“I fucked up what we had Margo. I took a good thing and I freaking destroyed it and I would never forgive myself for that. Now you're with Justin and everytime I see the two of you together I just get so angry at myself because I'm such a screw up.”

I pulled off my shoes before standing on the chair with my knees, turning his face to me.

“You know I'm single now?”

“What?” His face went from sad to confused in a split second.

“Justin and I broke up for one day, today. So technically I'm single now which means I can do whatever I want. Which means I can do this.”

I leaned down, pressing my lips against his. I felt him freeze over causing us to tilt back and him to hit the door of the car.

I tilted my head back looking into his light blue eyes that was still staring at me in shock.

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