he smiled at the picture, before going to twitter to post it like he always does,

dream | dreamwastaken2
me and my girlfriend are at an airport rn and she just sent me this, i know u can't see her face but just take my word for it she is stunning. jesus christ.

↳ seven | seven7:,)  u so sweet

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seven | seven7
:,)  u so sweet. u remind me
of candy. i'm omw back.
got u some hot cocoa

reply to seven7
dream | dreamwastaken2

once arriving back to where clay was sitting, she handed him his hot chocolate and he smiled widely behind his mask, "thank you!"

"we should be boarding soon, i feel like we've been here ages. i'm really excited to see george!" she spoke and he laughed,

"not sapnap?"

"course i'm excited to see him too, i hope he lets me call him nick." she spoke, sipping on her coffee. she got it iced, and even though she was cold, she didn't care.

he laughed once more, "i can't wait to scare george at the airport." he spoke and she agreed, sitting down next to him and leaning into his arm.

the plane boarded soon after, the two finding their seats quickly and getting comfortable, well gia getting comfortable,

"this is so stupid, i hate planes, they aren't made for tall people." he spoke, continuing to grumble under his breath about it, making gia laugh,

once finding the most comfortable position, which was pretty much on top of gia, he instantly fell asleep. gia groaned, her arm falling asleep quickly as he was laying on it,

she tried to fall asleep as well but failed, the limited room made it hard for her to get comfortable.

she watched two different movies on her phone, leaning her head on top of clays that was on her shoulder, before the flight attendant came around to hand out snacks and drinks. they were never really that good, but she knew clay was always hungry,

she put her hand on the side of her face, running her hand through his hair, "hey baby, you want something to eat?"

he groaned, "i'm tired."

"i know you are, you can go back to sleep if you want. i'm just trying to see if you wanted a snack." she spoke, before he sat up,

once he sat up she instantly shook her arm out, "jesus christ you're heavy, clay."

he laughed, opening up a bag of pretzels, "sorry. you're comfy!"

she laughed back at him, eating her pretzels slowly and forcing him to sit back so she can lay on his shoulder now, only to be woken up 4 hours later by a flight attendant,

she woke up to find clay had also fallen asleep once again, his head leaning on hers, "clay," she spoke hitting his chest for him to wake up, "we landed, get up we are gonna see gogy soon!"

he laughed at her as he sat up, his neck aching from the way they were sleeping.

she quickly sent george a text to alert them that they had landed,

it took them forever to start getting off, clay holding on to gia's hand the entire time for support as they walked, threatening to fall asleep standing up.

"let's find george!" she spoke after they got their luggage from the baggage claim, much more energized since her coffee and nap, you could not say the same for her boyfriend,

"hold on he's calling me," clay spoke, stopping in his tracks to speak on the phone,

as the boy spoke, she could feel her nerves settling in, beginning to feel shy about meeting george. she still had time before sapnap arrived the next morning, it was only around 7 now.

"okay, we know what you look like, we'll find you." clay spoke, feeling excited as he hung up the phone, "i know where he's at, let's go- hold on are you okay?"

she shrugged, "i'm excited, just nervous."

he smiled at her before wrapping his arms around the girl, "don't be nervous, it's gonna be fun!"

she laughed, "i know, i know. let's go scare george."

once the pair saw george sitting on his phone where he had explained he was, clay ran up to him,

"george!" the boy yelled and george jumped,

"dream?" george spoke and clay shook his head, pulling george in for a hug,

"you're so short!" clay laughed, genuine happiness showing on his face, the girl behind him smiling as she saw him,

"seven?" george asked, looking at gia who stood shyly behind her boyfriend,

she smiled, "george!"

clay stepped away, letting room for the girl to run forward to hug george, "and you said i'm short!"

gia gave him a look once she let go, "you've seen me for about 10 seconds and you are already making fun of my height!"

"listen, listen, i am just pointing out the obvious!" he spoke and they laughed as george stared at them,

"why are you staring at us?" clay asked, making them all laugh,

"because i have never seen your faces before now!" he spoke and gia giggled,

"well i'm gia, this is clay, very nice to meet you georgenotfound." she spoke and he scrunched up his face,

"that's weird. that's gonna take awhile to get used to." he laughed, causing gia to smile,

the began walking out of the airport, being met with the freezing london weather, "so, welcome to england." george spoke and both gia and clay smiled,

"england is cold."

i am suppppper sick today, i'm PRAYING it's just the flu 0-0 i stay home tho besides when i go to work so i shouldn't be exposed to anyone new 😬 hopefully

anyways everyone plz stay safe! wear a mask! tough times out there lol


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