24. Imessage

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Lydia 😜
Hey Char! Okay I'm going to
ask you a personal question and
I really would like it if you didn't
tell anyone at all.

Char 🍫
Of course! Are you okay??

Lydia 😜
yes I'm okay haha. Now do you
still like Chase? Like do you have
feelings for him?

Char 🍫
Umm.. nope. We're just
best friends.

Lydia 😜

Char 🍫
Yes! ❤️

Lydia 😜
Okay I love you! Have
a good day!!


Sister 💘

Dix 😽

Sister 💘
I think Lydia likes Chase

Dix 😽
I doubt Chase likes her

Sister 💘
But she's pretty and

Dix 😽
So are you and 100x
better looking and more
talented. I'm pretty sure
her and Josh are a thing.

Sister 💘
I thought so, but who knows
with her. Has Noah talked about
her or anything?

Dix 😽
ha true! And no
he hasn't, but he still follows
her and likes her pics .
But I can't say anything because
he will get mad.

Sister 💘
Who cares lol! If it bothers
you then you should definitely
talk to him about it.

Dix 😽
I'm not worried. He could still be
dating her, but he picked me so...
Anyways I have to go bye!

Sister 💘
Bye 😂

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