54. Real Life

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Random 🧃I'm coming over

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Random 🧃
I'm coming over

Beauty Queen ❤️‍🔥

Random 🧃

Beauty Queen ❤️‍🔥
I'm having a movie
night with my moms

Random 🧃
Oh. Okay maybe I can
meet them.

Beauty Queen ❤️‍🔥
Definitely not 😅 we're
just hooking up not talking
or dating.

Random 🧃
You're telling me you
don't have any feelings
at all? After all this time?

Beauty Queen ❤️‍🔥
After all this time? We've
only been doing this for 3
weeks.. plus I'm not ready
for a relationship and let's be
honest here, you're not either..

Random 🧃
Whatever you say Lyds.

Lydia groaned as she threw her head back after reading the message she received. She hated having secrets she couldn't share with her friends because if she did she wouldn't have anymore friends.

Lydia lifted her head at the sound of a knock on her door, so she stood up from her couch and towards her front door to see it was Mads.

"Hey I-"

"Let's get this over with." Mads interrupted as she pushed passed Lydia into her apartment.

Lydia closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she shut the door and followed Mads to the couch.

"Did you hook up with Jaden?" Mads asked as she crossed her arms and stared deep into the brunette's eyes.

"No." Lydia spoke with confidence.

Mads lifted a brow as she searched for a sign if she was lying. "Have you kissed?"

"No." Lydia answered with the same confidence.

Mads sighed. "How am I supposed to believe you after performing with him?"

Lydia stood up and walked over to sit next to the blonde. "I promise that it was a one time performance for publicity."

Mads looked at Lydia with sad eyes. "Really?"

"Yes. You're becoming one of my best friends and I wouldn't do anything to ruin it." Lydia grabbed Mads hand and squeezed it to reassure the blonde even more.

"Okay." Mads breathed out.

"I believe you."

Tea • TIKTOKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora