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@tiktoktea: seems like there's already trouble within the newly found friendship between Nessa Barrett and Lydia Reed as people are speculating that the girl in New York is Lydia.

view all 582 comments

@user: reaching 100%

@user: y'all always want drama between two successful women

@user: newly found? They know each other for years

@user: that's why Josh isn't friends with Lydia anymore

@user: she definitely got a boob job

@user: are we saying this because of a hat Lydia is wearing??

@user: Olivia and Sabrina situation coming soon

@user: Oop if this is true their music is going to be fire

@user: who is we?!

@lydiareed: this is ridiculous 😭
view all 109 replies
@user: don't worry we believe you hottie
@user: says the one who's ruined past relationships
@user: didn't you sleep with Jaden?
@user: what happened to being best friends with Mads?
@user: fake just like the rest of your body
@user: if it wasn't true why are you giving this post any energy

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