10. I WENT ON A DATE?! Ft. Bad Bleep Addison Rae

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Lydia's outfit above

"Hello and welcome back babe's!" Lydia greeted her viewers as she begun vlogging for the day

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Hello and welcome back babe's!" Lydia greeted her viewers as she begun vlogging for the day.

"I know I haven't posted in a while, but I have been very busy with new music and by the time this is posted my new single Selfish should be out." Lydia explained why it's been so long since she last posted on her YouTube channel.

"Okay so today I'm hanging out with the-" Lydia paused for a second. "Bad bleep. Uhhh, Addison Rae."

Lydia started laughing knowing that Addison is probably annoyed by everyone saying that.

"Okay. Okay. I'm just kidding Addison I love you baby. But I am going to pick up her up right now and we're going to eat and then I'm gonna go back to my place and do a Q&A!"

A montage of Addison and Lydia singing the car, walking, eating, and talking to fans played before the video transitions to Lydia sitting on her bed with her camera set up on the tripod so she didn't have to hold it.

"Hi guys okay I tweeted for everyone to ask me questions and I'm gonna have Chase pick out the questions." Lydia explained as she glanced at Chase who was behind the camera with a smile.

"Wow a lot of them are about you know who." Chase informed Lydia who covered her face with her hands as her face turned red.

"What inspired you to write you song Selfish?"

Lydia smiled softly at the memories of her spending weeks in the studio writing her song before sighing. "My past experiences in relationships."

"Are you in a relationship?"

"No, I am not in a relationship. I'm really just taking time for myself to grow better as a person and I don't think a public relationship is good right now." Lydia answered truthfully.

"Favorite TVD ship?"

"Ugh I love that show so much! I literally watched it 50 times, but I'm gonna have to pick Klaus and Caroline. I'm really disappointed because they both deserved a happy ending together but nooooo that didn't happen." Lydia frowned slightly as she thought back to Klaus dying and everyone Caroline love basically die.

"Okay last one because we have to get ready to go eat. Would you ever get back together with any of your ex'e?"

Lydia's eyes widen before looking down quickly so nobody would catch her reaction. "No. It's just that I have no bad blood with any of my ex's and I think it's a good idea to keep it that way."

"Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys next week for a new video! I love you so much!" Lydia blew a kiss before the video ended.

Tea • TIKTOKTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang