Amity get your shit together pls

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name reminder

Amity: vegan

Boscha: fidget spinner

Luz: badboi

Emira: cantseeme

Edric: ededdndeddy

Viney: Panic! at the gender

Willow: best girl

Skara: skarapace

Gus: smol boi

Bo: tomato

[7:24 am]

[{the gays of the third floor}]

ededdndeddy: boscha wtf

skarapace: BOSCHA NO


tomato: i-

fidget spinner: heyyyyyy gays

best girl: boscha honey where are you?

fidget spinner: why u trynna smash?

best girl: not while you're in this state

fidget spinner: coward

skarapace: boscha where tf are u

fidget spinner: in ur dreams hopefully

skarapace: boscha

skarapace: tell me where you are now u dumbass

fidget spinner: ur hot when ur mad skaska

cantseeme: s k A S K A

skarapace: boscha where

fidget spinner: the garage

ededdndeddy: not to be that binch but why tf are you in the garage?

fidget spinner: gasoline

fidget spinner: i go sniff sniff

best girl: oh boscha

skarapace: u gay dumbass

fidget spinner: ur gay dumbass tho ;D

skarapace: smh yea i guess so

fidget spinner: >:0

vegan: can someone please go get boscha before she hurts herself?

fidget spinner: im stronk simp

fidget spinner: i can take care of myself

tomato: press x to doubt

fidget spinner: if any of u press x imma commit livnt

ededdndeddy: x


fidget spinner: hol up imma get the 'game over' screen for this game called lIFE

skarapace: BOSCHA NO

fidget spinner: bye bye

[fidget spinner went idle]

Panic! at the gender: shit

tomato: skara, willow, luz u guys go to the garage stat

tomato: amity ed nd em go to the drug store nd get some bandages, nose drops and aloe vera

cantseeme: aloe vera?

tomato: boscha likes aloe vera juice fsr

tomato: gus, ur gonna help me get boscha's room ready okay? We want her to be comfy when she gets back

smol boi: yes bo :D

badboi: ur gf is rly hands on ami

vegan: i guess so

[10:13 am]

badboi: we've acquired boscha

ededdndeddy: took u long enough

badboi: she took her motorcycle so we had to chase her

cantseeme: sounds like her tbh

vegan: okay get her into her dorm rn

vegan: she needs rest

badboi: we're getting her upstairs shes just kind of heavy

skarapace: she has a lot of muscle

skarapace: it adds weight

badboi: yea i figured

tomato: right just get her up to her room

tomato: then we're just gonna let her rest okay? she needs to clear out her system a little before we do anything

badboi: ur gf is rly smart ami

vegan: mhm

tomato: aww thx luz

badboi: ofc bo :D

best girl: alright boscha has been successfully moved to the room

best girl: me and skara will deal with the rest

Panic! at the gender: gl guys

skarapace: thx vin

[1:43 pm]

[{disaster gays and where to find them}]

[Edric added Bo to {disaster gays and where to find them}]

Edric: okay first of all

Edric: how r u gonna get out of this situation mittens

Amity: huh?

Edric: the whole fake dating thing

Amity: ooh

Amity: bo how long should we wait before 'breaking up'?

Bo: do it tom

Amity: i-

Amity: isnt that too early?

Bo: idk mate

Bo: dont u wanna just ask luz out or smth?

Bo: the longer u keep this charade up the more likely it is that luz is gonna find someone else to date

Amity: ...

Amity: can i have a moment?

[Amity went idle]

Bo: was i too harsh?

Emira: honestly? Probably but mittens had to hear that

Emira: he's so used to things eventually solving themselves but in this case, he cant just let this blow over

Bo: mhm still i feel bad

Bo: i mean

Bo: i cant imagine being in amity's shoes

Edric: they'll be fine

Edric: dw about him

Gus: everyone, would you like to play a quick game?

Edric: sure

Emira: yea

Emira: viney is in too

Bo: eh sure why not

Gus: good :)

Gus: meet us in the living room then

[6:12 pm]

Emira: this is the worst and stupidest idea we've ever had

Edric: r u backing out?

Emira: ofc not

Boscha: wat game

Emira: o ur alive

Boscha: yup

Boscha: now wats this game we're gonna play?

Emira: the midnight game

Tell the gays on the third floor to calm downHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin