The Night That Changed Everything

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Hi!! Thanks for clicking on my story <3
Iv'e read like a bunch of jatp fanfics and got kinda inspired so I decided to write my own take. I will be starting this story after what happened in the last episode, so if you haven't watched that you won't really understand whats happening. Btw, I'm going to make everything back to normal so like Caleb crossed over somehow, and Nick is still trying to get with Julie, if you don't like it this way just don't read the story. I don't mind, anyway hope you enjoy!

Julie's POV
As the guys and I pull away from that hug I was too happy to even think about how this is happening and how crazy it is.

"Oh yeah, sorry guys but I gotta go talk to Carlos I have a feeling that he found out more stuff about you, which I hope he hasn't" I say opening the studio doors.

"Oh ok, bye Julie, goodnight" I heard Luke say as I was walking out of the studio.

"Night" said Alex and Reggie.

"Goodnight" I say back taking a quick look and Luke giving him a smile that he quickly returned.

I walk into my house trying to find Carlos and telling him to follow me to my room so we can talk.

"Finally, thought you forgot about me" he said while we were walking up the stairs. I roll my eyes.

As we get to my room I sit down on the edge of my bed while Carlos leans against my walls with his arms crossed staring at me.

"What" I say looking at him, he has his eyebrows raised and I assume he's gonna ask about the guys.

"Julie, you don't have to lie anymore, I know about your ghosts." He says thinking that he's a genius.

"Carlos for the last time, ghosts aren't real and I already told you, the guys in my band are from Sweden." I say trying to sound convincing.

"Then explain this." Carlos shows me the picture of the guys in 1995 that he found while face-timing with our aunt.

My eyes go wide, I obviously have to tell Carlos the truth right now.

"Alright, fine, you caught me" i say looking defeated.

"I KNEW IT!" Carlos says a little too loud.

"Shhhh! You can't tell anyone, it's a secret" i say seriously.

"Don't worry sis, my lips are sealed" he say pretending that he is sealing his lips with a zipper.

"Okay, well how did all of this happen though?" He asked looking confused.

I then tell him the pretty confusing story of how I met the guys and how we play together.

"Thats crazy! So that day that dad told you to clean the studio, you were telling the truth?!" He asks.

"Yeah, I just kept it a secret because I didn't want anyone to think that I'm crazy." I say.

"Well you are a little crazy" he says smiling as I slap his arm.

"Oww what was that for?" He says looking offended.

"For calling me crazy" i say back rolling my eyes.

"Well when do I meet these guys?" He asked.

"I guess you can meet them tomorrow after school" I say back

"Oh ok cool, wait are they here right now?" Carlos asked looking around my room.

"No," i say chuckling, "they're in the studio."

"Oh ok, well goodnight" he says leaving my room.

"Night Carlos" i say watching him leave.

I get up off my bed and get ready for bed. After I'm ready, i try to fall asleep but I can't, I have to much stuff on my mind, especially Luke. I decide that maybe expressing my feelings for him on paper would help. I find a random piece of paper and a pen, and start to write down the lyrics to "Perfect Harmony". When I was done, I put the piece of paper into my dream box, and then climbed into bed. It only took like 5 minutes to fall asleep.

Thats it for this chapter! Lmk what you think in the comments. Also, if you have any, tell me some ideas for next chapters. I can already see myself having no ideas for later chapters. I'm gonna try and update either everyday or every other day, depending on how you like it.

- Hanna

Finally Free 👻💜💙Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora