A Show To Remeber

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Harry styles

"Straight of the plane to a new hotel" I sing into the mic as the fans go crazy.

We just started a show as we walk out on stage singing our opening song and the fans screaming is honestly one of the best feelings ever.

We split off running around the massive stage. Coming to the edge of the stage and singing to the fans.

I run down the massive runway and sing to a couple of fans holding up signs saying 'We Love You'

When I get to the end, passing Niall on the way am met with a pair of eyes and very familiar with.

My girlfriend, Ellie

I smile not expecting her to be hear and wave making her do the biggest smile I have seen on her.

I don't know how she got here but am glad she is here.

I run off continuing the show and feeling happy she is here.

The song comes to end and the screams get louder.

Liam runs down the runway

"How you doing Los Angeles" he says in the mic making the fans scream at the top of their lungs.

Ellie Taylor

"How you doing Los Angeles" Liam speaks into his mic while the fans scream.

Am front row at one of Harry's band right now and am loving it and love seeing Harry have a good time with his band.

He has already spotted me and gave me a wave.

He looks really hot tonight as well, he is wearing black skinny jeans, a long sleeve black jersey with a bandana in his hair.

"Hope you all enjoy the show, here's little black dress" Liam says noticing I missed his speech because of Harry.

"Little black dress just walked into the room" they all sing into their mics as the beat started, the fans plus me starting to sing.

They do a couple more songs like strong, little things and drag me down.

After they left the stage fans started to left and I went to go make my way backstage to see Harry.

Luckily the security guard knew who I was and asked no questions and let me through.

Now the impossible mission of finding my boyfriend.

It wasn't that hard because I turned a few corners and I saw Niall who saw me first.

"Ellie, what are you doing here" he says with open arms.

"Hey Ni, thought I would come surprise you lot" I say pulling away from Niall and going to hug the others.

"Am so glad you came" Louis says as he gives me a hug "he's been a whiny bitch ever since we left" he states making me laugh and Harry's eyes to roll from behind us.

As I walk up to Harry he grabs my wrist and pulls me in so I slam against his chest and gives me a tight hug.

"Someone missed me" I laugh to myself, he pulls away and pecks my lips.

When he pulls away he holds my shoulders and nods with a big goofy smile like a child who just go their food.

"Right, shall we go to the hotel and hang out there" Liam says

"Yeah, let's go" Harry says from behind me grabbing my hand while I walk next to him.


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