Part 2

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Sydney did not know why he had decided to take a look at the road Louisa claimed Brail used to follow alone. Probably, he had done it for the fun of it. He had no intention of carrying out the assassination and he had seen the money Louisa paid him as one of the easiest money he had earned in recent time. There wouldn’t be any argument about it, for there was no date fixed for the operation. Louisa had asked him when the deed would be carried out and he replied, “When I kill him, you will read it in the newspapers”. So she may keep on buying newspapers everyday for as long as she may wish. And if she eventually asked him that she had not read it in the papers, he would reply her that he was still monitoring him to decide the best time to strike. If she could not wait then he would offer to give her a gun to carry out the assassination herself. To Sydney that was a cool way of earning a million grand, someone’s one year labour.

Being bored that particular evening, Sydney decided to follow the path mapped by Louisa that Brail used to travel alone. He drove along the road, and indeed it was isolated. After about 30 minutes drive out of the city of Abuja, Sydney saw a small castle which he recognized immediately as a perfect place for a secret meeting. If indeed Brail had been following the path, this must be the place he had been visiting. He drove a little bit further and parked his car. He came out of the car and walked back to observe the castle properly.

As he got closer to the building, he suddenly saw the light of an approaching car. He immediately lay flat between the shrubs. In that position, he was sure he could not be seen whereas he could clearly see the person coming. Perhaps he was going to work for the money he collected after all, and put a smile on Louisa’s face.

The idea suddenly came to his mind that the person coming would certainly be General Brail and if he was coming alone as Louisa claimed he used to do then it would be very easy for him to assassinate him there and then.

 From here he lay, he could easily send a bullet to the General’s head and escape before anybody could even hear the sound of the gun. All he needed was to wait for him to come out of the car.

He gently put his hand into his holster and jerked out his gun.

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