"It hurts."

"So we'll get to call you gimpy for a little while longer?"

"Probably my whole life." I shrugged

He nodded, "I was just wondering, you know we need you to be in prime shape for the thing."

He plucked a glass from one of the Avox's trays and took a sip. Just as quick as it hit his tongue he has spit it out. I let go a laugh,

"That was not water!" he coughed holding the glass out to me,

"What do you think this is?" I took the glass cautiously and took a sip. It burned going down, a painfully familiar feeling.

"White Liquor." I said and handed the glass back, my bubbly exterior broken down by the darkness swirling within that clear liquid.

We drug her body to the edge of the surf and shoved her out into the endless blue on a flaming board. Hank's eyes were wet with tears and mine had never been dryer. His shaking hand found mine and we stood there for a while and watched her fade away. It wasn't until the fire had well faded into the distance that he spoke. "I'm sorry." I waved him off. "I just need a drink." his big blue eyes looked at me, shocked. "I thought you didn't drink." "I don't"  I stalked back to my newly bloodied house and tore up one of the floorboards. Inside that box was a unopened bottle of white liquor. I pulled the cork and took a big swig. Hank burst into the door mid drink. It burned on the way down and spilled down my chin onto the ripped up dress. I gave him a forlorn look, "I don't know what to do Hank." He sat down next to me and gingerly took the bottle from my grasp. "I don't suggest getting drunk, it doesn't help much." I looked at him and felt the unexplainable pain of loss grip my chest. I felt like I couldn't breath as the sobs came. He wrapped his arms around me and I heard the bottle hit the ground. I couldn't care less, the only thing I could feel was pain. My whole world was pain.

"Sage," Chess was grabbing my arm, I shook myself out of the memory

"Sorry, I should probably go find my tributes and Finnick. I'll catch you later!"

"Yeah," He waved and returned to where Brutis was pep talking his tributes.

I spotted Finnick's shirt and quickly made my way over to them. Adrian was standing next to the chariot and I rushed to give him a big hug.

"I missed you so much!"

"I'm sorry about what happened." he said and I shrugged it off. "Thank you, but it's over now though, how about these costumes!" I said changing the subject.

He had done a full 360 from what I had been dressed in last year. Pastel colors, iridescent tails, and colorful hair extensions.

"It wasn't really my idea." he said, muttering into my ear.

"My stupid partner wanted to do mermaids."

"Oh, they look pretty."

"I wish Portia was still my partner, but she is working with Cinna this year."

Cinna. The name didn't sound familiar.

"Who's Cinna?"

"He's the new stylist for 12 and one of the most talented people on the face of this Earth."

He pointed him out across the hall, a dark haired man in a leather jacket. He looked human, dang. His tributes were dressed in neck to foot leather jumpsuits with what looked like fabric flames on the head pieces. They looked really good.

"They don't look that good," I said and Adrian huffed,

"Don't lie to me Sage."

"Okay I won't , they look really good."

"And my tributes look like damn fish!" as if right on que a pink haired lady jumped out from behind the chariot.

"Adrian, what do you think? Absolutely fabulous if you ask me!"

That's when the dots connected. That was Selena, District 12's old stylist. Crap, they had looked like idiots for 25 years under her. Now she's ours. Oh Joy! I saw Adrian clench his fists while forcing a smile.

"Yeah they look Great." he gave me a look that said,

'Can you believe this lady?'

I stifled a laugh. Then she caught a glimpse of me.

"Oh you must be Miss Sage!" she scurried over to me and began fussing with the sleeves of my top.

"I can't believe they put you in something so..." she grasped for the word for a long while before pouncing on it, "Plain."

I looked at her hot pink feathered dress and hair. Her face looked like it had been reconstructed so many times that she didn't look like a real person anymore. "I actually quite like it." she tisked.

"I think I will be taking over styling you victors." She said gesturing to Finnick and I. "You need to make more of a statement."

She added jazz hands for effect. Then a pissed Adrian stormed over.

"That will NOT be happening Selena! I am quite capable of styling MY victors so Back off."

She huffed, "Oh Adrian, I saw the pieces you put her in on the Victory tour."

He cut her off, "Do not go there! You of ALL people should know that you are in no position to insult my work!"

I removed myself from the argument and went over to talk to Casper and Ariel.

"I want you to wave and smile. Try and own the mermaid look."

I gave them a smile only to have it shot back at me by Ariel's cold glare.

"Believe me. I'll try."

I held up my hands in surrender and walked over to Finnick.

"It seems like everyone hates each other huh."

He nodded. "Good to know everyone is in the Hunger Games spirit."

I am so sorry you guys! I am such a liar! I wrote you a nice long chapter to make up for not keeping my promise. I hope y'all like it it was really fun to write!

All the love


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