I gasped before quickly pulling him inside before anyone could see him. I shut the door and locked it before turning around to him.


"Hey, Before you say anything I just wanted to stop by because I figured you were pissed about last night. I remembered your address from last night and when I got here I called Justine and begged her to tell me which floor you stayed on and which number. Oh and Look I brought flowers" he extended his hand that was hiding behind his back. He held up a beautiful bouquet of royal blue roses. These were my absolute favorite kind of flowers and they were so rare.

I was speechless.

"Are you crazy?" I furrowed my eyebrows in total loss for words.


"Have you gone mad?"

"What do you mean?"

"Justin you can't just show up here in broad daylight with so many people around. What if someone saw you coming into my apartment? Like seriously have you lost your mind?"

"Don't worry no one saw. I had shades on and my hoodie! I-I wasn't really thinking, I just really wanted to apologize for my actions from last night."

"You could've texted me like any other normal person. This is......wow you're definitely not normal."

I honestly think this man has gone crazy.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked clearly giving me his puppy eyes.

"Well I'm definitely not happy with you."

"Here take these, they'll make you feel better."

"Well....they are to die for."

"Just like you?" I rolled my eyes before taking the flowers from his hand "Let me explain?"

"Fine, might as well come have a seat since you just showed up unannounced"

I led him to the living room area in which I was chilling in a few minutes ago. We took a seat on the coach in silence

"Okay...I'm listening Bieber "

"Okay so here's what happened. So after I broke up that little fight that was never gonna happen, my cousin Paige that actually stays here in Maryland asked me if I could give her a ride to her boyfriend's house because she had way too much to drink to be driving herself. So I thought I could go drop her off and come back before you even realized I was gone. I told a friend to look after you while I was gone but they said once they got to my bedroom, you were nowhere to be found"

"So you disappeared to go take a cousin home but never came back?"

"No I did come back but you were already gone when I got back. I looked all over for you"

"And this.......cousin? She actually lives here in Maryland?"

"Yes, so you see it was all a misunderstanding."

"Justin, look we're just friends"

"Yeah..." he said

"So you don't have to make up some crazy story just to cover up, you hooking up with someone last—"

"What? No ..wait what are you talking about? This isn't a story, it's the truth. I promise that's what really happened."

"Either way you don't have to explain yourself. You don't owe me anything "

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