A New Chapter

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A Camila x you story


"When Cami told me that she wanted me as her best woman, I froze on the spot. She wanted me, this wreck of a human being to give a talk in front of the many she cherished without slipping anything out embarrassing? Yeah, that's impossible." Smiling towards my best friend who laughed with others in the room. "We wouldn't have our entire lifespan to even cover all the years of embarrassing stories Cami has done but I'll give you a story that's worth your time to listen." 

"On a real cold day where the rain was shooting down from the skies like whoever was living upstairs had broken pipes, I had gotten in a serious argument with my parents. So serious that I couldn't believe my parents lied to me." I shook my head in disbelief. 

"Cover your child's ears for me parents otherwise this wedding is turning into a kids trauma convention." 

The adults seem to know where this was going so all the parents did what was best and that was to hide the truth just like my parents had at their ages. 

"They told me Santa wasn't real! Could you believe it?! Oh but that wasn't the news that broke me. No, it was that my dad was eating the cookies that I wanted to eat so badly at night like Santa!"

"Now you can uncover their ears." Chucking at their confused faces as to what I had said.

"With what my parents had unloaded on me, I quietly went to my room and sat on my bed. No more than a minute, tears started to flow down my face, I began punching the air and yell into the pillow. Then later something occurred in me like any other child does when they've gotten into an argument with their parents - running away."

With how relatable my words were, the adults laughed as they slapped their knees and fanned their tears of laughter away.

"So I stuffed all of my very important things in my bag and ran through the front door with no hesitation." Saying with full confidence which turned into defeat, "but of course as a kid the definition of important doesn't necessarily mean useful."

Sighing as I scratched my head, "Sure a comb would be good to keep my hair tidy but what would 15 my little pony figurines do?"

"Like did I really think these ponies would grow into REAL PONIES?! Maybe I did?"

"Well the ponies didn't matter because it didn't block the rain as it began to soak me from head to toe. Now I could have gone home and be all embarrassed but for some reason I couldn't bring myself back home. Even if it meant that I was going to be sick the next day."

"And so I walked down the familiar footpath on my street and there was a small alleyway where most kids would hang out and do some stuff," saying with quotations, "I somehow heard someone crying through the terrible weather."

"I knew better not to go but with me running away, I thought 'Why not?' and my rebellious self went to see who was making that sound."

"And that's where I met you," as I turned to Camila who had glossy eyes. "A scrawny little girl whose hair was grown out of a haystack and clothes that clearly were not big enough. I didn't have to look at her face to know that she needed help, so I made my presence known to her as I slid down beside her."

"At first I thought she was rude for not looking at me." Putting my hand on my chest like I was in pain, "She kept on crying and crying like she was the reason for the weather. Though that was until she accidently kicked my leg that she realised I was sitting beside her and she had the audacity to scream at me."

"Who wouldn't if they got scared thinking that they were alone?" Camila spoke up in defense but I shook my head.

"But you weren't alone." I smiled as I nudged her side.

"Eventually, we talked and it was hard to convince her to come over to my house since she was just as stubborn as I was. So, I thought of the most ingenious plan I had ever made at that age besides trying run away."

"I bribed her with the 15 my little ponies I had in my bag." I said with a proud smile as everyone laughed.

"And from that day onwards we became best of friends, going through trials and tribulations that almost wrecked us apart but all I had to do was bribe her back with a little pony." Camila chuckled as she knew what everyone else didnt.

"Seriously, I got her a real breathing little pony." I said slowly, making everyone die of laughter.

"Anyways, when Cami met Shawn, I knew she was in the deep end. There wouldn't be a day where I didn't get an earful of what Shawn did on a daily basis. It was cute with Cami telling me everything between the two of them but when I gots calls at 3am from her asking me if Shawn was mad at her from a particular text. Anyone in my position would be slightly annoyed but I still love you regardless." I said very quickly to Camila so she wouldn't punch me later.

"Eventually I got to meet the lucky guy and I knew Cami was in good hands. He didn't have a bad bone in his body and as Cami's best friend, I couldn't find anything that would wake her up if she was blindly in love with him. So with today, you both start a new chapter together. To Camila and Shawn."

Raising my glass up, everyone did the same and drank to the newly wedded couple. The two hugged me and expressing their love for me before I took a seat.

As the MC took the microphone, they got the bride and groom on the dance floor to signify their very first dance as a married couple. I excused myself to the bar to refill my drink.

"What would you like?" The bartender asked as they wiped the bar down.

"Any sweet drink will do." I say as I turn my sights to the ladies on the dance floor.

The look on their faces clearly showed how much they love each other. They emitted such happiness that it was almost impossible to not be affect by it too.

"Here's your drink." Turning back to the bartender, I take the glass to my lips for a sip and hum at the coolness of the alcohol going down my throat. "That was a good speech by the way."

I thanked them and went back to the table as the other bridesmaids began to poke through the story with questions. Obviously I knew not to say more as it was in my best interest to not spill my feelings on an important day.

Avoiding to say anything I shouldn't, I take another sip from my cup and wondered why such a sweet drink tasted so bitter.

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