It beats for you

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A Valkyrae x you story


When it was time to leave, everyone who had been invited began to trickle out slowly and with me being the last one, I laid down on the couch, puffing out a sigh with a mixture of feelings.

The visit to the girls' house was fun. I didn't expect to see so many people I would recognise but also that others had looked at Rae the way I would at her which made me conflicted. 

I knew the feeling I have for her was something I could barely hide if my life depended on it but she isn't mine.

She doesn't belong to anyone but herself.

In the corner of my eye, I see Rae with a lollipop in her mouth with a smile that makes my inside swirl with butterflies and almost to the point of showing on the outside how giddy it made me feel.

Just as I was about to rise up and give her a hug, she lays down on me and hugs my side as if she needed reassurance that I was never letting her go.

When the hug was over, she lifts half of her body with this look that she often gave me. The type of look that I should know better and look the other way before all these overwhelming feelings I have for her would blurt out like vomit. 

I couldn't look away. After all, she's my weakness. 

"Is everything okay?" I muster out, as her eyes search for something in mine. Running my fingers on her back softly as it was a thing I did that would calm her down if she was over-thinking too much.

Taking her time with taking the lollipop out of her mouth, Rae continues to search for what she needs within my eyes.

"There's that look, when you're looking at your girl. You have that look when people look at me and I feel your jealously but then when I look back at you, your face is filled with happiness like you know nothing will happen." She says at a slow and torturing pace as she inches deliberately slow in contrast to my crazy beating heart.

"Tell me I'm crazy." She whispers as she flickers between my eyes. I catch her looking at my lips but only for a quick second which spurred me onto doing what I've always wanted to do.

I take her hand in mine and bring slowly to my face, nuzzling against it. I think for a bit before having the courage to move on.

"Would it be crazy," I say with such care as I lead her hand onto my beating heart to show her how I feel, "to say that you're right?"

Nervous out of my mind, I allow her hand to stay above my heart as I show her the smile I've always given her when she calls my name.

"It beats for you when you scrunch your face in confusion when I talk too technical with you. When I see your name light up my phone with messages, it beats for you. It always beats for you whenever I'm close to you." I confess before saying one last thing that could make or break everything between us, "Most of all, it's the love I have for you that makes me feel like this and it's only for you."

No longer caring about hiding how I feel, I raise onto my forearms to where the gap between us has led me to gently place a longing kiss on her forehead. Whether it's out of shock or wanting, Rae doesn't move away as I part myself from her.

Thinking it's the first because her hand was no longer on my chest, I hug her shoulders and silently shed a tear before removing her off me.

With no words left to say, I head for the door knowing what was done could never be taken back, a tug on the sleeve was felt and I turned back to look at Rae who didn't meet my eyes, yet gripped on my jacket with her dear life.

"Tell me." she whispers in a quiet voice.

Not understanding half a sentence, I take a few steps back to the bed and sit beside her as the girl never loosens from my sleeve.

"Tell you what Rae?" My voice cracks a bit as the crying voice was slowly bubbling up to the surface.

Without the need to look at me, Rae's head instantaneously lifts up to meet her eyes with mine, as if she could tell by my shot voice meant I was on the verge of tears.

No, not here. At least when I'm out of Rae's vicinity. I can't let her see me like this, not after me giving my confession and being silently rejected.

Turning my head slightly away from her, the warmth of her other free hand cups my face and slowly rotates my head towards her.

Screwing my eyes shut as I didn't have the strength to look at her without the brimming tears that were ready to fall from just one glance from her, I waited silently in hopes that whatever she wanted to say would be like a band aid - and band aid it was, as a pair of soft lips reached onto both of my eyelids.

With her lips lifted away from my face, it pushes me to open my eyes, I see Rae with so much warmth radiating out from her soul.

"Why were you crying?" She says as she rubs the side of my face to wipe the remaining tear streaks that fell down my face.

Not being able to form any words out of my mouth, I shake my head in worry. It's that feeling when the moment you open your mouth, too many emotions are ready to push their way through to be seen. Right now, sadness was right there on the tip on my tongue.

"It's okay, you don't need to talk. Just hear me out." Rae exhaled and continued on, "I've never felt this kind of connection before. Of course I was afraid that this 5 year friendship could disappear because this grsvitational pull but I shoved it down. For 5 years, I shoved it down and now it's clawing itself to the surface. I couldn't help but be afraid. Afraid that one day I could lose a friend if this never works out. And afraid I was, to see you walk out of the room with almost no return back."

Her breathing slowly fluctuating a rapid pace, I bring her head to look at me, "Rae, breathe. Copy me."

As I took deep breaths, Rae followed behind with slight difficulty before being able to copy my breathing.

Leaning back onto the bed, I open my arms for her to lay down on me as she cuddled to my side.

"Why were you going to leave?" Rae murmured into my shirt like she was afraid to hear the words that would hurt her.

"I didn't want you to see me cry. After all, you weren't saying anything to me a-and I thought it was the end of us." I managed to get out without having the need to cry.

Rae lifting herself from my chest, cowered over me and furrowed her eyes, "You know I over think too much."

"Yeah." I chuckle as I shake my head, "But in that moment, it felt like I was rejected."

Running her hand through my hair, instinctively I close my eyes and allow myself to feel calmed with those ministrations.

"I love you."

Wide eyes at the three words that came out of Rae's mouth, I hold onto the hand that was in my hair and intertwined them with mine. This felt like I was dreaming, and if I was, I wasn't letting go.

As if she read my mind, she lead my hand to her chest and I felt her heart going, mirroring exactly how quick my heart beat was going.

"It beats for you." She smiles, "Just as yours does for mine."

With adrenaline pumping through our veins, it was the push we needed to finally seal a longing kiss onto each other's lips. In contrast to our quickened hearts, our lips never rushed. There was no reason to as we both knew our hearts finally beated for each other.

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