Chapter 22

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At the crack of dawn Katia, Nathan, Celia, and Damien rose groggily. They followed Lilly in silence, too tired to talk. Celia was more irritable than usual and angrily swatted away any branches in their path.

"Ouch!" Nathan complained as a branch Celia moved hit him in the face. "Watch where you move the branches!"

"You should get out of their way. It's not like I'm aiming for your face," Celia snapped.

Nathan opened his mouth to protest that Celia had complete control of the trees considering her power over the earth. However Katia spoke first.

"Come on guys please don't fight now," Katia begged. She was tired and didn't want to deal with their bickering.

"Well I'm exhausted and hungry. Sorry I'm a little snappy," Celia replied sarcastically.

Lilly suddenly flew off and darted ahead. Katia shouted in surprise and chased after her, but she was lost in the trees.

"Great now you lost our fairy," Celia told her.

Katia rolled her eyes. "I already told you she can't just escape." Katia continued walking and searched the canopies. "Lilly! Where are you?"

Katia jumped back in surprise when the fairy darted back in front of her face. She looked down at Lilly's hands and saw that she was holding a single blackberry.

"Where did you get this?" Katia asked as she took it between her fingers.

Lilly pointed to the left. "Over there."

Katia smiled and popped the berry into her mouth. The sweet juice filled her with energy. "Lead the way!"

Lilly led them past underbrush and trees to a small clearing. Bordering it were bushes overflowing with plump berries they made the branches bend. Everyone immediately shouted for joy and ran over. They stuffed themselves and didn't care that the juice was dripping down their faces.

Katia glanced at Nathan and burst out laughing. His mouth was stained in dark purple juice and had dirt on his face.

"You look kind of feral," Katia laughed.

"I think we all look like savages. You have a wild girl look going on," Nathan said as he gestured to Katia's hair.

She combed it self consciously but her fingers got tangled in the mess. Katia realized it was helpless and just gave up. She wished her hair was short like Celia's so that she wouldn't have to deal with it.

"Should we keep going?" Celia asked.

Her mouth was also stained along with Damien's. Luckily the berries seemed to put her in a better mood. The deep scowl she was wearing was now her usual frown.

"Yeah," Katia answered and Lilly continued to lead the way.

By early morning they reached Agnitio's mountain. It was tall with a sharp point on top that pierced the clouds overhead. The winding trail leading up was surrounded by sharp, jagged rocks reaching out from the walls. Despite it being the middle of winter, the whole mountain was covered in lush green grass, plants, and blooming flowers.

Katia turned to Lilly flying in front of her. "Thank you so much for your help Lilly."

"You're welcome," she said in her small, high pitched voice. She smiled but then looked down, her eyes downcast.

"What's wrong?" Katia asked as she let her hand out for Lilly to sit on.

"I just miss my family and friends," she sighed.

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