Chapter 6

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The drive to Jason's house didn't take long. Julie was back to her talkative self and asking a lot of questions about Elictis. They were basically the same questions Katia asked just the day before. She could answer most of them but had to look to Nathan for help on some.

When they arrived at Jason's house Nathan left the car to give the two girls a moment alone. He stayed outside and looked around but didn't see any sign of danger.

Katia gave Julie a huge hug. "Thank you so much for being so cool about this."

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" Julie asked.

Katia shrugged. "I don't know. Wasn't it a little freaky? Cause I'm still freaked out."

"Well yeah but freaky in a good way. You know how you always found the X-men cool? It's like that," Julie answered.

"You really are the best friend in the world," Katia said.

"I know," Julie agreed. "Just don't forget about me. I'll just be a phone call away."

"That'll never happen," Katia said. "I'll see you later."

She gave Julie a hug and exited the car. She stood next to Nathan and watched Julie pull away. She waved but then gasped when she felt a searing pain in her arm.

"Katia! Your arm is bleeding!" Nathan said as he took notice of Katia's injury.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that. Must've been the adrenaline. It's nothing. I'll just put some bandages on it later," Katia said but she noticed that the pain was a lot worse than before. She also had trouble moving her arm.

"No this is serious," Nathan insisted. "Their knives are poisonous. We have to put some special potion on it right away."

"Okay I'll ask Jason for some," Katia said as she fumbled in her pocket. "Shoot, I think I forgot my keys."

She knocked on the door and they heard Jason walking over. He opened the door and took in their dishevled looks. Nathan's clothes were all crooked and his jacket had rips in it. Katia's hair was a huge mess and she had a bleeding cut on her arm.

"You guys were attacked," Jason concluded with an angry tone. Katia went around Jason and entered the house with Nathan following behind her.

"Yeah. I wasn't expecting it. Usually they don't attack two days in a row," Nathan told Jason. "And Katia needs some medicine. One of the knives caught her in the arm."

Jason cursed quietly. "I knew you shouldn't have gone, Katia. You could've died again."

"I know. I'm sorry, but I don't want them to force me to stay inside for the rest of my life," Katia said slightly annoyed. Two days into this world and it was already becoming a nuisance.

"No you just need to learn how to use your powers and get a weapon. I'll take you to Aevria after we deal with your cut. Go wash it out in the bathroom, and I'll put some medicine on it," Jason said patiently.

Katia left the two boys and went into the bathroom. She took her shirt off and examined the cut on her arm. It was still bleeding slightly and it began to swell. The burning feeling was also still there and her skin looked a little discolored, almost as if it was turning gray.

Katia turned the shower on and placed her arm under the cool water. Instantly her arm began to feel much better. After she cleaned the wound, she was surprised to see that it looked a lot better. It was already starting to heal and the swelling disappeared.

"Okay it's all good. Can I have some medicine now?" Katia asked Jason as she exited the bathroom.

"Katia, your cut is pretty much healed," Nathan said in wonder.

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