Chapter 4

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Katia and Nathan began walking back towards her school. Every time she looked at him she could see his eyebrows creased in a quizzical expression. She didn't get why he looked so confused. If anyone should be confused it was her. She just discovered a whole other race of people with apparent powers.

"You know you're going to get pretty bad wrinkles if your face stays like that," Katia said as they got into her car.

"Sorry I'm just having trouble understanding," Nathan told her. "Why did your parents keep this from you? I don't even get how they could. Your powers would've appeared and they would need to explain it."

Katia pressed her lips in a tight line. She didn't answer until they backed up and pulled out of the parking lot. "Well my parents died when I was really young so they didn't have the chance."

"Oh," Nathan said. He looked at Katia who had her eyes trained steadfastly on the road. "I'm sorry."

Katia shrugged her shoulder. She never knew what her parents were like so it was hard to miss them. It was more like she missed what could have been.

"So who do you live with?" Nathan asked.

"My foster parents," Katia responded.

Again Nathan didn't quite know what to say. His parents died too when he was young but he lived with his aunt and uncle who cared for him like his parents. He had a good life but Katia wasn't as lucky.

"Anything else you want to ask?" Katia joked with a slight smirk. Nathan's confused expression was gone and now replaced with one of embarrassment.

"I don't think I should," Nathan said as he pushed his hair back.

Katia laughed a bit. "Don't worry that was the worst of it."

Nathan rolled his eyes and exhaled a half laugh. "So your powers never showed until today?"

"Nope," Katia responded. It felt weird hearing Nathan talk about powers so casually. She still half believed none of that happened.

"And how come Jason didn't explain any of this to you?" Nathan asked.

He was surprised to learn that Katia was his sister. There weren't many Elictis so everyone at least knew of everyone. He was never close to Jason but Nathan thought he was an only child. Not once did anyone ever mention him having a sister.

Katia shook her head. "No clue."

They lapsed into silence and Nathan could see Katia's mind whirring. She seemed remarkably calm now compared to a while ago. Her dark brown hair was still wet and stuck to her face in places, but she finally stopped shivering.

"Thanks by the way," Katia said suddenly.

"Oh yeah no problem," Nathan replied as he quickly turned away but he was sure she caught him staring.

"Pretty lucky you were there," she said.

"Yeah I was going to get food in town and was just passing by the pier on the way there," Nathan told her.

"Well looks like food saved my life," Katia said and Nathan laughed.

After fifteen minutes, they finally arrived at Jason's apartment. Katia reached her hand to knock on the door, but before she could, Jason whipped it open and pulled her in for a tight hug.

"Thank god you're okay, Katia," Jason said with relief.

"Well it's all thanks to Nathan," Katia told him. "If it wasn't for him I would've been dead."

She went inside and Jason closed the door behind them. Asher wasn't there so Katia assumed he was at work.

"Thank you so much, Nathan," Jason said gratefully.

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