" w..what?" I came to reality and I was balling. I could feel my whole face get hot from crying so hard. It must be red by now. How long was I crying? I couldn't catch my breath.

" i..I cant breathe. " I whimpered fanning my face as if it would make me breathe. Hawks has a panicked look on his face but was soon saved when dabi burst into the door. I looked up at him silently asking for help. Its like I could only get enough air to keep me alive but I felt like I'm choking. Hawks moved to my side and rubbed my arms while dabi looked down at me not knowing what to do.
" dude, move." Dabi grunted as he bent down to the floor on his knees. Hawks moved to the side watching from afar. Dabi wraps me in his arms pulling me so I was pressed against his chest. He stroked my hair with his chin on the top of my head.
" baby just breathe, slow and steady." He hushed holding me tightly. No matter what I seemed to do i couldn't get my full breathing ability back.
" what the fuck did you do to her man?" Dabi snarled at him making me jump. Dabi sighed and held me close while stroking my hair. " shh its alright, just breath." He said over and over gain. After a couple minutes I got calmed down and wrapped my arms around him. He sighed in relief and I coukd feel him relax under my embrace.

" are you ok?" Hawks asked perking out from behind dabi. I sucked in a deep breathe and let it out slowly.
" I don't know. Am I broken?" I pushed myself back from dabi slightly to look over at hawks. I could already feel the tears swell in my eyes.
" of course not. Everyone has problems." Hawks said with a soft smile. Problems? Am I really that messed up?
" I think you should go home for the night." Dabi said softly looking over to hawks. I coukd hear him sigh and stand up. " your right man ill see you later. Feel better chickadee." Hawks said giving my shoulder a soft squeeze before walking out.

" y/n whats wrong. You've been all over the place." Dabi said moving so he was sitting on his butt with me still clung to his chest. " I dont know dabi. Its all happening again. I dont want to get bad again." My voice started to crack again. My whole world felt like it was falling apart.
" it won't baby, I won't let that happen. Your going to be ok, I love you." Dabi said after kissing my forhead.
" I love you to, but am I crushing you yet?" I chuckled softly looking up at him making him smile.
" no babe your not." He pulled me so I was fully in his lap.
I dont know what caused me to do this, but I think its a good thing.
" here." I pulled the glass shard out of my hoodie pocket and held it out for him to take. I couldn't even look at him.
" why do you have that?" He asked softly taking it from my hand.
" I was going to do somthing." I sighed softly clinging onto him. He kissed my forhead. " im glad you told me. But you really shouldn't do that, it only hurts you."
" I know but.."
" no buts its not healthy."
" ok." I said softly. He put the glass shard in his pocket and stood up picking me up with him.
Well he took that well.
" you know I can walk right?" I said with a small giggle.
" to bad, we are going to watch a movie."
I smiled and nodded my head while wrapping my arms around him.
" wait"
" what?"
" how are you going to carry my down the stairs?" I asked.
He rolled his eyes and jumped up a little so I was slung over his shoulder.
" ahh, dabi!" I clung to his back. I have no clue how I wasn't breaking his shoulder. He chuckled and started down the stairs.
I sighed and hung there loosely.
" your to strong for your own good." I said softly once we got to the living room.
" your just not heavy." He said back and threw my down on the sofa. I groaned softly and just layed there looking up at a smirking dabi.
" liar" I scoffed. He glared at me and moved my legs so he could sit.
" your beautiful so shut up." He said while grabbing the remote.

" blah blah blah." I teased smiling.
" oh you wanna start?" He smiled making the staples around his mouth stretch. I blushed softly and smirked.
" try me!" I teased leaning up so I was sitting criss crossed.
He smirked and started tickling me.
" w..wait no!" I laughed trying grab his arms but it didn't work.
He tickled my sides making me fall back.
" I give!" I laughed frailing my limbs everywhere.
He stopped and kissed my head.
" thats what I thought." He smirked.
I smiled at him and kissed him deeply. He kissed me back with no hesitation.
" are you disappointed we haven't had sex yet?" I blurted out. He had a almost disappointing look on his face.
" why would you ask that?" He asked pulling me up so we were both sitting.
" well, I know you ussaly uhm, I don't know how to put this." I sighed and dabi placed his hands on both sides of my head.
" sex dosnt matter. Yeah its nice but its not what love is. Your love for me is enough." He said kissing me softly.
I smiled into the kiss then we parted.
" im sorry."
" for what?" He asked.
" being such a mess, im all over the place." I answered.
" y/n its alright. We all have our issues." He said pulling me into his chest and laying back.
" movie?" I decided to change the topic. I had gotten my answer and this night has been eventful enough.

trouble   (Dabi x chubby reader)Where stories live. Discover now