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Song: Falling

Y/n pov

I look over to the other side of the bed. I know I shouldn't be surprised that your not there. I sigh and look at the glass of whisky that is in my hand. " I didn't mean what I said I though he knew that" I get up out of bed and start cleaning up the mess that I made the day before trying to get him to stay. It didn't work.

- Flash back-

"babe you're back!" he hugged me and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck " I missed you feather" I giggled and kissed his cheek " alright bird brain get off me I have to finish making dinner" he scoffs " rude i just wanted to love you" I laugh " I got plenty of love from you last night" he looks confused then angry " what are you talking about? I wasn't here last night" I smirk " Oh you weren't?" He got even more upset "who was here last night ?" I finshed making dinner "No one " he scoffs " if no one was here then why did you say that?" i smile at him "say what"
He's glaring at me " y/n if you don't tell me who was here last night I am leaving you" I scoff " yeah right kiego like you would " he growls " who was here?!" I scoff " there was no one here, can't you take a freaking joke?!" The next three hours was full of arguing and him trying to leave

-end of flasgback-

"I don't need him.... if he is going to be like this then fine he can be that way..." I start crying and I fall back into a depressive state just like I was before him." It will be ok you can do this. You did it before without him you can do it now without him"

Hawks pov

It's been a couple weeks since y/n and I broke up. I ran into her brother " hey hawks how you been?" I look confused " I am alright why?" He looks shocked " oh well I heard that you and n/n broke up and I thought you would be more upset, but I guess not" I sigh" I am just I am working right now so I have to shut feelings off " he raises and eyebrows " sure well we will see you later then"

Several months pass and hawks falls into a depression and y/n comes out of hers. They plan a meet up at a cafe

Y/n pov

" hey hawks how are you?" I smile at him " I am alright" he says in a kinda sad voice " ah right here I thought I would give this back to you... seeing as we're not together anymore" I hand him a feather on a necklace " why I gave you that before we got together... it was gift I gave you as a friend... are we no even taht anymore?" I smile " I mean I didn't think we were after how you left." He pushes back to me " keep it I still care about you and... I miss you...." I laugh " I miss you too, but it's probably better if we go out separate ways." He sighs " what if your someone I just want around.... " I chuckle " hawks I moved on. You should too. We can still be friends, but there won't be an us anymore alright. " he grabs my hand " please... I am sorry I know I can't take what I did back" I sigh " exactly. You can't take what you did back hawks. You and I both know I would never have cheated on you, but you still thought I did, you couldnt trust me enough to believe me, and it just won't work out for us I am sorry hawks. But no..." I smile and give him a kiss on the cheek " I have a date later so I have to go. I will see you around. "

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