"I know he was here, your bed is a mess." She stated.

"That doesn't mean I know where he's at right now." I say, opening a box of Cheerios to see if they're any good. "He was gone when I woke up."

She let out a aggravating sigh. "Well, we've got a problem."

"Don't we always." I sigh, already unfazed by whatever it is she was about to tell me. Meanwhile, I gave up on trying to eat because the cereal was stale and I had nothing in my fridge considering I haven't been here in so long. "So, what is it?"

"Michaels girlfriend, Roxanne, is furious!" She explains.

"And I care because..?" I draw out, taking a seat at one of the bar stools facing her.

"Because Michael told her that he no longer needed her and that he was going to work on his marriage......with you."

I was genuinely shocked. I had no idea he was really going to do it and this soon. It made me feel good on the inside to know that he actually wanted to try and he would do whatever to get back in my good graces. Yet, as a woman, I couldn't help but feel somewhat bad for Roxanne. After all, Michael could be brutally blunt so I know whatever he said cut her deep.

"Wait, how do you know what he said to her?" I asked looking over to her with curious eyes.

"I was at the diner doing some work and when I came out for some coffee, I saw them sitting at the bar talking. She was mad at him for not coming home last night, so I knew then that he was most likely with you." She smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Then that's when I overheard him say he didn't need her anymore."

"Wow." I breathed. "I didn't think he'd do it."

"You told him to break up with her?" She gasped as if she was getting the most juiciest of gossip.

"Um, well, yeah," I say scratching the back of neck. "We had sex." Clarissa' eyes got so big I feared they were going to pop right out of her head. "He told me he wanted a second chance to make things right. So, I told him he needed to show me and he needed to start by ending things with Roxanne."

Clarissa' grin grew bigger and bigger with each word I said and now she was sitting there like an excited school girl with her hands covering her mouth. "Oh my goodness.." she squealed. "So you and Michael are back together?!"

"No." I laughed. "I'm not going to give in that easy. He needs to work for what he wants."

"That's my girl!!" She exclaimed. "Whip his ass into shape, let him know who's boss!"

Shaking my head, I had to laugh. As much as she dislikes Michael, it's nice to know that she supports the fact that we're going to possibly be getting back together. Unlike other "friends" I've had, even the one I once called a sister, Clarissa has managed to remain consistent in my life. When it's all said and done, I know Clarissa will be there for me no matter what and she's not afraid to tell it like it is. That alone is the main reason why her opinion is the only one that matters to me.

"That's what I plan to do!" I winked.

"But for now," Her face went back to being serious. "We have to make sure this Roxanne bitch doesn't try anything."

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