Fighting Until We're Right

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I whipped my head around so fast that it made my neck cry out in pain, but I didn't care in the least bit. I was looking at the face of the girl from the alleyway. I felt my body tense up in anger and rage as she walked out onto the roof some more, her shoes clacking loudly on the concrete rooftop and her hips swaying as she walked. I stood up and clenched my hands into fists as she stopped in her tracks and stared at me. "What're you doing here? Tell me now." I said, my voice on the verge of becoming a growl. She giggled and then stopped, her face becoming serious in the blink of an eye. "Well, Mr. Machete, I'm here to end you." she hissed. I actually widened my eyes at her, she transitioned to cold and serious so quickly that it was startling. "Wha--" I began to speak. Then, a sharp pain rang from my shoulder and the pain spreaded all throughout my body. I screamed in pain and grasped my shoulder, which stung from my hand grabbing it. It had felt like something had penetrated my shoulder. I felt..a hole. I reached inside of it, yelling in pain at the feeling of something wet, drippy, and then solid. Whatever the Hell that thing was, I had managed to remove it and pull it out. The thing that had gone into my shoulder and caused the burning sensation, was a bullet. I stared at the blood covered bullet and then realized I was bleeding, my blue hoodie getting soaked in blood from my right shoulder to my side. I dropped the bullet and looked towards the girl, who was holding a gun and aiming it at me. "Who..the FUCK do you think you are..?!" I yelled at her in pure rage, standing up while still firmly grasping my shoulder to stop the blood. She narrowed her eyes and raised the gun towards my masked face, making me flinch in fear but I still stood my ground. "My name is Ann Coltermae. And I'm here to kill you, Jonathan." I jumped in fear. She knew my name. My ACTUAL name. She shot at me again, but, this time, I dove the the side. My shoulder still aching, but I didn't want to be killed today so I ignored it. She kept shooting and shooting and shooting and I tried my best to keep dodging them all. I suddenly didn't feel the concrete rooftop under me anymore. I fell off of the building trying to get away from deaths bullets. I saw the girl watching me fall, wearing a smirk on her face as the air whip-lashed my skin. Where were the guys? How hadn't they seen her enter the house? Was this..really how I died..? No, it couldn't be. It can't be! I started crying and my tears went behind me, down onto the streets. I stopped falling. I looked at my back in shock to see my water wings again, man, I always forget I have them! "Thank you Lord and everything that counts as holy." I murmured to myself, then bolted back onto the roof, surprising the girl as I snatched her gun from her hands. I landed on the roof after a backflip from landing impact and aimed the gun at her. And then pulled the trigger, all without thinking it through. I gasped at the last moment and the bullet surged into her forehead, making her numbly fall backwards and off the roof..falling to the city streets. I shuddered in fear and realization of what I did. The roof door opened again and I turned to see the guys pushing their way to me. I threw the gun off the roof at the last minute and acted natural. "Are you okay?! We heard gun shots up here!" Evan said, worried. "HOLY FUCK!! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR SHOULDER, DELIRIOUS?!" Squirrel yelled in panic. I just then remembered the pain of my shoulder and all the blood drenching my hoodie, I then grasped it quickly. "I..." I couldn't speak, it seemed. It's like something was stuck in my throat, making it hard to speak. I started to feel lightheaded and dizzy, then I began stumbling around a bit from blood loss. "C'mon, take him inside! He's loosing too much blood!" Cartoonz yelled. I couldn't see anything, but I heard someone say something. "Why the Hell is there a bullet hole in his shoulder...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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