It's...It's you..

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I walked in the woods towards the path I was on when I saw the humans. I followed the trail that they took and saw the camp. I shuddered with fear, but, I couldn't go back to the cabin now..I felt freedom at my fingertips. I looked around the camp only to find no one. I kept walking on a road that maybe would lead to my new friends, I just hope I find them soon, before my food supply runs low at least...
I felt like I've been walking for hours on end. My feet were sore and I wanted to sleep more than I ever had wanted to. I was about to collapse on the ground, until I found a bright, vibrant city. My eyes widened at the sight and I could feel it in my gut and heart, I will find them here for sure! I jogged into the bright city and got on the sidewalk, just gawking at the beautiful sight of this place. I wandered around for a while and then I got serious to find my way to them. I looked all over the place, in buildings, on streets..but nothing at all. I kept walking on the sidewalk, until I was quickly pulled into an alleyway with a hand over my mouth and a knife grazing my throat gently. I whimpered in fear and struggled to get loose and free, but their grip was FIRM. "Now, now little man..don't struggle so much or else this will hurt even more.." the male sounding voice said. I felt the knive get closer and closer to my neck to the point were if I did move, it would cut me instantly. I was crying and trying to use my abilities, but they wouldn't my powers just suddenly got up and left my body. I couldn't hear much, but I heard him groan loudly and suddenly in pain, releasing my torso and causing me to fall from weakness. I sat and watched as some people beat him up in any way possible, until they came over to me. I whimpered in fear again, but this time, they comforted me. "Wait a this that one guy that we saw at the trails!?" A guys voice rang out. I felt someone get closer to my face, I could feel their body heat. "It's..It's you.."

A Magic Touch (Delirious X Vanoss X Cartoonz)Where stories live. Discover now