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As we all went back to the hallway from where we came, I couldn't help but wrong about not being traumatized with the dead bodies and their condition. I mean, Ohm vomited up everything he ate from the past 3 days, everyone was screaming in terror, and I just..stared. "Hey. Is there..something up with you, Del? You seem very off about something." Bryce said to me, walking by my side. I just looked at him and then the floor without a response. "You know you can talk to us, dude. We're your friends." Gorillaphent said, putting his large hand on my shoulder, making me yelp quietly from the force of my shoulder going down from his weight.  I just sighed and kept walking. "..I dunno guys. I feel..stupid for not even reacting about that scene. I mean, it was gruesome..! Ohm is weak from vomiting, everyone is most likely scarred from it, and I just did nothing! Is that not just a tad bit wrong to you guys?!" I shouted. Wildcat turned around to face me while walking. "Everyone reacts differently dude. It's no biggie. You might've just been paralyzed with fear but you never noticed." He said. I just shrugged and kept walking. "Yeah. That's what happened." ..God, I am such a liar.

A Magic Touch (Delirious X Vanoss X Cartoonz)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें