Names and Games

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I slowly opened my eyes to the blinding sun and a living room that was unfamiliar. I sat up in panic and fear of where I was, scanning the room for help. "Guys!! The mask guy is awake now!" a high pitched males voice rang out. I looked straight ahead of me and saw what seemed to be like a little boy, about 14 years old and he looked like a monkey. Or he was a monkey. "Is he now? Hold on, we'll be down in a sec Lui!" another males voice shouted from what seemed upstairs. I locked eyes with 'Lui' as the people called him and looked at him with curiosity and confusion. "Hi mister! Can you talk or are you not able to?" Lui said waving to me. "I..Yes, uh, Lui..I can talk and hear too." I said gently. Lui's eyes widened with surprise and awe at me. "What?" I asked. Lui shook his head playfully and pointed out my mask. "Why do you wear a mask? Oh! And, uhhh, your name is Jonathan, right?" He said in a playful manner. I nodded and said, "But, please, just call me Jon.." Lui smiled and agreed. Then, more of them came down the stairs. There seemed to be at least 2 dozen or more, but they were all males. I sank in the place I was sitting in just looking at them. Most were strong built and tall and some just looked like me, short but well built. I gulped in fear. A guy with a half iron and metal face came over to me and squatted down in front of me to make better eye contact. He looked like the fucking Terminator in the flesh. I retracted just looking and making eye contact with him. "So, Jonathan..? How ya feelin?" he said with a voice that surprised me. I would have thought that his voice would be deep and scary, but his voice was actually quite clear and normalized. His voice had a robot kinda hitch to it, which made it kinda badass. "I-I..uhm...I feel just f-fine! Thanks for a-asking.." I said, sweating behind my mask. He got up from his squatting position and stood up straight, smiling at me kindly. "I'm Brian Hanby! But, you can call me Terroriser!" he happily said. I nodded and stood up, and I was just a bit shorter than him..not by a whole lot, but just a bit shorter. A man with red skin and an 'X' over his left eye walked over to me slowly and kept eye contact with me, no matter where I went. It sent a shiver down my spine. "Oh, stop it Luke! You're gonna scare the days out of him!" A guy with bunny ears and a grey strip of cloth over his eyes with some sort of symbol on it had came over to 'Luke' and put a hand on his shoulder. He stopped and said, "Luke. But I prefer Cartoonz.." I wanted to run away from these people, these humans, these sorta hot but very menacing people. I glanced around the room for something, just anything so I could go back home! I know, it's stupid I came all this way just to go back, but I had no fucking clue that they would be so big and broad. I saw a sink, put my hand to my side and used 2 fingers and swiped upwards. Water exploded from the sink and created a water wall in front of them and I booked it out of the door. "WAIT!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE YET! YOU'RE NOT DONE HEALING!" I heard a Canadian guy yell after me. I didn't want to, but I looked back to see a few of them after me. One was a guy with a owl head, one was the bunny, and the other was Luke- uh- Cartoonz, I meant. I yelped and turned a corner quickly in hopes that I would lose them. At least 16 orange feathers were sent and me, in some sort of attempt to hit me. I managed to dodge the feathers and lose one guy, the owl. I just needed to get rid of 2 more. I rounded a corner and dodged a charging deer?! I looked back to see the deer ram into the bunny. 1 more left. I hopped over a stair railing to see the exit and I bolted. I was so close, but something picked me up off the ground. I tried to balance, but I fell anyways and sat on what seemed to be red hands..? I looked all over, until I made eye contact with Cartoonz..a giant Cartoonz, to be exact. I yelped in pure fear and cried out, "P-PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!!" I had tears of fear in my eyes and I covered my face in my knees and cried. If you saw this thing up close, you'd understand how TERRIFYING it looked. I heard him gasp very quietly and quickly and he went back to normal size. I was still crying and shaking from this giant "thingy". A guy with brown hair and a black and white shirt walked over to me and grew some sort of plant beside me, just magically out of the ground. He and Cartoonz backed up from the plant and made sure it was alive. It emitted some kind of smoke that was a light purple and smelled like cherry blossoms. I coughed at first, then my eyelids became heavy and my breathing slowed. I wanted to sleep, as if it were like that smoke was a magic spell of some shit. I fell asleep and woke back up right where I started.

A Magic Touch (Delirious X Vanoss X Cartoonz)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant