Confusion and Jealousy

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It turned out I had shattered quite a few little bones in my hand with my incredibly mature outburst, meaning that I had to keep my hand wrapped for at least a week, even after the work that Madam Pomfrey did on it.


I was a goddamn idiot for kissing Malfoy, and I was an even bigger idiot for hitting the very obviously solid brick wall like I did. After leaving the infirmary, I realized that my next class was Potions, and with dread and anxiety twisting my stomach into knots, I decided that I wouldn't be going. I couldn't face Malfoy, and I couldn't deal with the rejection that was sure to come, even though I tried to tell myself I was only skipping because my hand hurt.

My footsteps were heavy and sullen on the dense stones as I bypassed the entrance to the dungeon completely and headed up to the library, because if I was going to skip Potions, I might as well be productive with my newly-found free time. To my relief, the room was practically empty, allowing me to nestle myself away in the furthest, dimmest corner of the library with the heaping pile of homework that seemed to be always growing no matter how much work I did.

Picking up my quill to dip it in my pot of midnight ink, my hand screamed in protest as I tried to wrap my fingers around the pen, pain radiating from my knuckles. Dropping the quill, I did my best to hold in the whimper that crept up into my throat as the pain refused to subside. I heard a soft sound and looked up from my damaged appendage to see Dean Thomas standing in front of me, a warm smile on his kind face.

"Need some help?" He asked, looking at where my bandaged hand was cradled to my chest.

I was about to protest, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get this paper done by myself anytime soon, so I nodded, smiling gratefully at him as he pulled out the chair next to me and sat down.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

Dean returned my smile, his eyes kind. "No problem. That looks pretty sore," He told me, gesturing to my hand.

I let out a pained laugh. "I didn't think it would hurt so bad, honestly."

"What happened?" He asked, picking up my dropped quill and setting it in my ink well.

"Oh, um, I'm just super clumsy and I fell weird last night. Madam Pomfrey said it should heal rather quickly," I answered, trying my best to sell the fib. I didn't want to lie to Dean; he had always been very kind to me, but I'd rather not admit that I punched a wall because Draco Malfoy let me after we made out for the first time.

A knowing look glinted in his eyes, as if he had caught my lie, but he didn't press me any further. "What are we writing about?"


My little impromptu study date with Dean was a welcome bright spot in a rather long streak of terrible days, so when we left the library, I had a little smile in my eyes. Dean had written practically my entire paper, with me dictating to him what I wanted to say. The paper had been for Herbology, and I wasn't the brightest in the subject, so Dean guided me through parts I didn't quite understand. He and I had never been close, but he was one of those people that would always greet you if you looked a bit down, even if you weren't friends with him.

"Thank you again," I told Dean, shouldering my bag. "You have no idea how much you just helped me out."

Dean smiled and shrugged. "No big deal, Elaine. Just glad I could be of service," He joked softly. "You honestly looked like you were having a bit of a bad day."

I sighed slowly. "Yeah, you could definitely say that."

"Well, if you ever need more help, or really anything at all, please let me know. I had fun with you," Dean said, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Or, you know, if you even just wanted to hang out ever. There's a little party one of my friends is throwing tonight, and I'd love for you to come. I think it would cheer you up a bit."

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