The Shadow

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A/N: hello my lovely readers! i know i dont normally add authors notes on my wattpad uploads, but i just wanted to tell you all thank you so much for the love youve shown this story! i read all your comments and they genuinely make me laugh so hard. it makes me so happy that so many people have not only read, but have enjoyed this story because its truly my baby. you guys are just the absolute best thank you for all your kindness and support<3

As I left Draco's dorm, my mind chanted his words over and over again like a mantra. My hands were still shaking, my heart was still racing, even as I went to the Ravenclaw tower, barely watching where I was walking. There had been very few times where I had seen Draco act genuinely sincere, and even few times where I had seen him admit he was scared.

Actually, now that I thought about it, I had never seen Draco anything less than suave, cocky, and incredibly proud. Even when Harry had nearly killed him, even when his dad had nearly killed him...

Even with our sullied past, I had no doubt that Draco had actually meant it. He was terrified of losing me. And the thought of losing Draco? My heart lurched at the mere thought of it.

It seemed every day that my feelings for Draco grew stronger, and I didn't know how I was going to deal with it.

It felt like I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop, though. Every time Draco was real with me, I lost myself in the thrill of the moment, but I always began to spiral down into my doubts almost immediately after I left him.

Things were...they were good, complicated, but still, good. Try as I might, I couldn't silence the cynical voice in my head that continued to tell me that this wasn't a smart choice, that I should get out before this boy shattered me.

Frankly, I needed to talk to someone about it. I wanted to tell someone that he and I had just...god, just had sex and I wanted to ask about the strange burn on his wrist and I wanted someone to get excited over his parting words with me.

As I changed, my stomach grumbled, making me realize that I had missed dinner. It was almost dark outside, which meant that I would have to wait until breakfast to eat.

It had been so fucking worth it though.

Draco had looked ethereal. There was truly no other word for the way his pale hair had plastered to his forehead, for the way his skin flushed as he fucked me...

I flopped down onto my bed, covering my face with my hands as happiness, brighter and stronger than I had felt in a while, flooded my body. Virginity was a social construct- Hermione had gone on about that enough for me to never forget it- but all the same, I don't think it could've been anyone other than Draco for me.

It wouldn't have felt right, especially with the way even being near him made my head spin and all my sense abandon me.

God, that boy was ruining me, but I was glad I was done fighting it at this point. What reason did I have to resist it?

Besides, you know, the obvious direct path of danger it put me in.

"Elaine!" Cho's bright voice came from above me, causing me to uncover my face. "I was wondering where you were! Hermione said you were in Potions, but we didn't see you at dinner."

My face heated as I thought about the reason why my stomach was empty. "Ah, yeah. I was...actually, do you know if Hermione's free? I need to talk to you two about something."

Cho's face fell a bit, but I shook my head. "Nothing bad, I promise. It's's a really good thing, but I need to talk to both of you about it."

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