Open Mouths Catch Flies--and Detention

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-No content warnings :)-

Long day was right. It was the first day of classes, and all the sixth years had to meet up with their Head of House to determine if they could take the classes they wanted based on their O.W.L. score. I was hoping I did well enough on mine to continue with Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts, while Cho and Hermione were both hoping to continue with Transfiguration and History. It made me a bit sad that they would have more classes with each other than with me, but we would still see each other a fair amount.

My meeting with Flitwick went incredibly well, and I was going to be able to continue with my desired classes. Cho, Hermione, and I chatted about our results all the way down to breakfast, all relatively pleased with them, though of course Hermione was being incredibly harsh on herself.

"I could've done much better than I did, if I had just studied a bit more!" She exclaimed frustratedly, and Cho and I shared a look.

"Hermione, you spent every waking moment last year studying. You did great," I assured her. "You're probably the smartest girl at Hogwarts, with two exceptions." I joked, pointing at Cho and myself.

We had just rounded the corner into the hallway just outside of the Great Hall, when a painfully familiar voice said, "I hope you weren't referring to yourself, Adler. You're about as stupid as it gets." The three of us stopped in our tracks as Malfoy's incredibly smug face came into view.

"Excuse me?" I replied, my voice a mix of anger and confusion, my nails digging into my palm at my side.

"You heard me, Adler. You're about as bright as a rock. I've seen your scores in Potions before." Malfoy drawled, leaning back against the stone, his dark robes blowing gently in the light breeze.

My face flushed an angry red, and my hands were shaking with frustration. "I'll have you know, I passed that portion of my O.W.L.s just fine, according to Flitwick."

Malfoy barked a laugh. "Anything is impressive to that imbecile. I wouldn't brag too much about it. Besides, it's going to be much harder this year. I doubt your little Muggle self will be able to keep up." He pushed off the wall and walked closer to where I was standing, with Cho and Hermione a step behind. "I'll say this slowly, so that even you can understand me." Malfoy towered a good six inches over me. When did he get so damn tall? "You don't fucking belong here. Every breath you take in this castle is an absolute waste." His icy eyes scanned my face, waiting for his words to sink in, searching for any sign of hurt to flash in my eyes.

My nails dug so hard into my hand that I was sure they were going to leave a mark and I opened my mouth to give a reply right as Professor Slughorn, who was the new Potions teacher this year, rounded the corner. "Is there something wrong, Ms. Adler?"

Malfoy feigned innocence, tilting his head to one side. "Is there?" Though his face was calm, I could see the hatred in his eyes. His hands slid into his pockets, his stature radiating ease, though the air between us was filled with anything but.

I knew if I said there was, Malfoy would win, and would hold it over my head probably until the day I died, would bitch about how I was a coward, weak. "No, sir. Just talking about the O.W.L. results is all."

Malfoy's eyes glared at me, shooting daggers into me, but Slughorn replied, "Well, I hope you're pleased with your results, Ms. Adler, because I certainly was very impressed. I am very much looking forward to having you in my class! You as well, Mr. Malfoy. I think I can speak for all of the professors when I say you did very well indeed." He clapped a meaty hand on Malfoy's shoulder before heading on his merry way, oblivious to the tension between the four of us.

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