The Way I Loved You (Sirius Black)

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Summary - based on the song "The Way I Loved You" by Taylor Swift.

Warning - swearing but that's about all.

Disclaimer - flashbacks are in italics.

A/n - I've not yet edited this so please ignore any mistakes.

word count - 3495


He is sensible and so incredible

And all my single friends are jealous

Nicholas Nott was by all means a great boyfriend, there was no denying that fact. He treated Y/n with constant respect and never lost his patience with her, he always provided a level head when she couldn't. He loved her to no ends and he made no attempt to hide it. To add to it all despite being part of the pure blood elites he never told her parents that she was still friends with people they would consider blood traitors though it would immensely help his case with them. He was everything she should have wanted and he was certainly everything her friends desired in a man.

Sat around a table in the library she flipped through a textbook when her friends started talking quietly. Lily looked up at her, it being clear they had been talking to her which she had missed.

"Sorry, what is it" she asked and they repeated their question.

"How is Nicholas, we haven't seen you together in a few weeks. Is everything okay" Marlene asked.

"Ye everything is fine. We've just been busy with exams and whatnot. It's nothing serious" y/n replied

At hearing this Marlene smiled, it clear the group were worried they had broken up or had an argument of sorts. Because though they had been together for nearing 4 months they hadn't even bickered yet.

Her friends were all undoubtedly jealous. They were jealous of the way he treated her and loved her so unconditionally even though they all knew fully well she wasn't an easy person to be with all the time. That was proven in her previous relationship.

He opens up my door and I get into his car

And he says, you look beautiful tonight

Pureblood families really loved to pull extravagant weddings. Always going above and beyond to show their wealth and superiority. Y/ns mother had purchased the finest, most expensive emerald green dress she could find and by the time the Christmas holidays had approached it had been tailored to fit her perfectly.

And as she slipped it on her body she knew it did just that, it fit her in all the right places but left enough up to the imagination to keep Nicholas' ego intact and her dignity unharmed, or at least that what her mother said it achieved.

The pair were sat at table full of other Slytherin teenagers who all looked just as rich and elegant as they did. Small talk had began despite the group being considered friends outside of this environment, it would be informal to have typical teenage conversations at such a formal event.

"You look beautiful tonight" Nicholas whispered in her ear as she grabbed two glasses of champagne from one of the workers.

She turned and smiled at him as he leaning in and kissed her head "thank you Nicholas, you don't look to bad yourself" she giggled back and he just grinned, resting his arm on the back of her chair as he turned to talk to mulciber about whatever it was that was going on in their fathers businesses.

She finally let her eyes roam around the room, seeing if there were other tables of students that she would know, but her eyes stopped their searching when she met eyes with a very familiar boy. He had already been looking at her and when she finally seen him he made no attempt to look away. She gave him a very small, polite smile and received one of an identical calibre. She turned back to her boyfriend, having no desire to look around the room any longer. For Sirius Black was here and now his eyes was all she could feel on her.

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