The new start

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This is the new you of you don't like it thats fine you can just ignore it ill mostly use or try to find outfits without the face.

When you walk through the door you wake up you think its your house and that everything that happened was just a dream and then you and get up and its almost pitch black until you see some light thought the window and you go to open it and this is the first thing you see.

When you walk through the door you wake up you think its your house and that everything that happened was just a dream and then you and get up and its almost pitch black until you see some light thought the window and you go to open it and this is...

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Then you freak out and start to look around and this is your bed.

Then you freak out and start to look around and this is your bed

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This is you closet.

This is your bathroom

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This is your bathroom.

Next thing you hear is "miss (y/n) are you ready?

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Next thing you hear is "miss (y/n) are you ready? ..... miss (y/n) are you ok?" the maid said all I thought was i was about to get caught in a house that isn't mine and I was going to go to jail for braking an entry and I thought I was dead I was crouched down in fear when the maid got closer and she said "lady (y/n) what are you doing you should be getting ready to meet with your father." All I could do was stare at her with a blank expression and said "huh".

(A/n) its not the best but ill keep trying. 😊😊

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