Chapter 2: This is just the beginning

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"All Might"


When Kendo could finally breath again she asked with tears in her eyes and confusion written on her face "What the hell happened?!" in a shaky voice.

Midoriya, who was next to her, placed a hand on her shoulder " h-Hey Kendo-san are you okay? Do you feel any pain?" he asked concerned.

She looked at him and nodded "I'm okay, but what happened?" she asked, then she looked at her self and blushed in embarrassment " Why am I half naked?!" she screamed covering her self with her arms while facing the other way.

Midoriya tried to speak but Mineta cut him off "It was me!" he yelled confusing the others "I saved you! now give me a nice reward-" he wasn't able to finish his sentence because Asui slapped him with her tongue.

" That's not true " said Yanagi with her emotionless voice " It was Midoriya" she added pointing at him, Kendo fixed her clothes and stood up "Is it true Midoriya?" she asked.

Midoriya, who was not used to all that attention, began to blush " W-well... it's t-true" he said stuttering " After I was teleported here, I fell into the water and I noticed that you were not moving, so I grabbed you and brought you here, Tsu-chan helped us up and I had to do CPR on you" he explained.

Then he turned red again " B-but t-to do so I-I had to unbutton your c-clothes, s-so I understand i-if y-y-you're mad at me, Kendo-san I-" he was cut off by Kendo hugging him " Why would I be mad at you?" she asked "you just saved me from drowing, the villains and possibly a rapist" she said the last thing glaring daggers at Mineta.

Midoriya hugged back " Don't worry about it, I just did what a hero would do in this situation" he said, Kendo smiled " Well then, thank you my hero" she said happily .

Then someone cleared his throat getting the attention of the two " So are you two love birds gonna stay like this or help us figure something out?" asked Yanagi with a sarcastic tone.

At this comment both Kendo and Midoriya blushed bright red and let go off each other " R-Right!" said Midoriya scratching his neck in embarrassment " Okay, listen... we will explain each other's quirks to come up with a plan" he said gaining nodds from everybody.

"I'll start then" said Asui " My quirk allows me to do anything a frog can do, such as: swim faster, hopp at long distances, extend my tongue up to a maximum of 20 meters, stick to walls, camouflage myself, and I can also secret mucous and eject my stomach... although you can forget about the last two." she explained sticking her tongue out like usual.

"I'll go next then" said Yanagi " My quirk is called Poltergeist, it allows me to telekinetically control nearby objects. The weight limit of my Quirk is roughly the weight of the average human." she explained with her bored tone.

" My turn" said Kendo a bit excited " My quirk is called Big Fist, it grants me the ability to enlarge both of my hands to a gigantic size. With the increased size comes enhanced striking power and gripping capabilities." she said enlarging and then shrinking  her hands, " Altough it's a bit lame " she said looking down.

Midoriya looked at her and raised an eyebrow "Lame?" he asked gaining her attention, " your quirk is fantastic and so versatile, not only you have enhanced strength, you can also save people and capture a lot of villains!" he said smiling, this brought a smiled to Kendo's face " Thanks" she said relieved.

" Mine is a double-edged blade, it gives me supehuman strength but at the cost of my bones" Said Midoriya, " You see, I'm a late bloomer so I still don't know how to control my quirk, so every time I use it I break my bones" he added making the two class 1-B student's eyes widen.

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