Silver Sky...

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A/N: Happy New Year my darlings <3 spread love!


His heart thudded low.

She wasn't there.

Now, this was starting to annoy him. They didn't live in a mansion. It should not be this easy for her to vanish like this. But then again, he didn't know what he would do if he did face her. ughh. Gritting his teeth, he yanked his mat from its place and threw it on the floor, pulling it into place with his foot. He threw the pillow down too hard; it landed a couple feet away from him. But his attention was elsewhere. He was glaring at the door as if it was his new found enemy.

God, she was so adamant.

He stood there, huffing and puffing like an angry wolf, before realizing that this wasn't cutting it. He would get her back to the room, stating that his family might see her and shout at him. that ought to gulit her into coming back. A part of him warned him that he probably shouldn't anger her further. But he didn't know what else to do. What he failed to realise was that it was his own guilt that was bringing on this, gusto of determination.

He took the sombu from the shelf and realized that it was full of water. "Ellam ready pannu vetchitu than poi iruka.." he said, although it was a nice thought. She was only making things worse for him, he was almost wanting for her to burst in and make a scene in front of his family, that would put him at ease.

He took the water and gulped as much as he could and threw a little bit that was left out the window. He took a deep breath and made his way out.

Mullai's new friend was so beautiful, she thought. The white orb, glimmered at her as though it agreed with thoughts. Sitting next to the well, she put her phone in her lap and ear phones she put on Vivaldi. Something that stuck with her from childhood, her father was a huge fan of instrumentals and every weekend they would go to a friend's house of his, where this would be playing in the background.

The soothing dulcet tones of Vivaldi, the silvery sky with her mystical orb, she saw all her favourite memories on the cerveses of the dimpled moon. Her father and her, teasing her mom's bright choice of clothing... Her and her mom, gossiping about every single friend of hers, whilst cooking in the kitchen... Faiza and her, rolling up paper into joints and pretending to do the infamous 'Rajini's cigarette flip'... Vivaldi's strings and her sweet memories, strummed her core to the edges of melancholy.

Her heart trembled at these flashes and she wiped away the single tear that kissed her cheeks quitely.

Kathir was making his way to the corridor searching every nook and cranny for her, she wasn't in the kitchen... nor in the saami room. He went back to peep into his Mom's room where he could only see the silhouette of his mom and Kanna. Kanna, although fully covered himself with the bed sheet, Kathir saw the soft white light of the screen from under, and made a mental note to use that against him if or when necessary.

But no Mullai..

Where else... he racked his brain... He mentally went through all the rooms of his house, the hall was empty... there was only the backyard left... His eyes widened. No, she wouldn't be that stupid to go there at this night of the night, it was dangerous. Even she should know that... But his feet were already racing to the back yard as quietly as he could.

His gut was already telling him that of course she would be there. She, the daredevil, the child, never cared even stopped to think about things like safety and caution. He came to a stumbling stop as the back door led out to a grassy yard.

Mullai was sitting with her back to the wall and knees gathered together and chin on her elbow looking over at the supposed sap green grass, just that now very bristle reflected white. Such a pristine white that it felt as though, someone had dipped a brush, into the moon and swished a stroke on to the grass leaving the tips to look like snow.

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