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Year: 2014

Place: a big house in Adelaide, probably cost a million Australian dollars

People: Jamie-future detective- this story happened when he was studying year 12 and his 10-years-old little brother who was studying primary school at the time

Story type: Comedy

Story begins...

Jamie's little brother looked a bit upset and was sitting in front of a tiny table to do his homework, he said to his brother "what you taught me last Tuesday is totally wrong, my teacher said I can't worte the sentence ' I felt very sad last week as my grandfather has kicked the bucket' on my writing, I was told I should use the word 'died' or 'passed away" instead as 'kick the bucket' is just an informal language."

Jamie did not really feel guilty about this and said " this is your homework, not mine, then, don't ask me anything next time." He was approaching to a big fish tank in the centre of the living room and shouted out " come here. Quick, take a look, one of the goldfish is floating on the top of water , it looks like this fish has died."

Jamie looked a bit angry and continued to say "the sales cheated me money, he constantly convinced me to buy his new product. He assured this water purified liquid can help purify and kill all the bacteria in the water of fish tank and makes our gold fish become more healthier. I think this just makes it worse, you know , I already found the same thing happened  twice this week, I need to make a complaint and only forgive him if he will cry in front of me and call me' big brother'."

Jamie's little brother  looked carefully at the label of the bottle he was holding and said "no, I don't think the sales cheated you at all, the label say clear enough, this liquid is called 'up-side-down liquid'.

Jamie looked being over-stimulated and fell down on the floor.

Next day...

Jamie 's little brother was crying in a classroom, it looked like he was the only one who had to stay late to do his homework at school.

Jamie's little brother kept crying and said " why do my teacher was so angry this afternoon and ask me to re-do my homework once again? ah-ah-woo-woo-woo(annoying crying noise), I really don't understand."

His tears has dropped on a piece of paper-his writing, some of sentences have became blurred , but still can see one of the sentences ' I felt very sad last week as my grandfather has been upside-down.


Peter Lam's 3 minute short storiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें