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Year: 2015

Place: a big island called Lamma Island in NSW, Australia

People: sorry, no people in this story

Story type: Dramma+Comedy

Story begins.....

On this island, there are around 50,000 population, most people live on fishing, mining and food industry. Unlike some big cities in Australia, it has very limited types of entertainment, televisIon and movies are their major sources of entertainment, recent  ten years, internet has also become very popular on this island.

Twenty years ago, there was  a programme on a local  TV channel targeted for school students only, it encouraged them to call the programme hotline for asking help for doing their homework. However,  nearly every family has broadband at home nowadays, less and less people paid attention on this programme. A year ago, The producer decided to change the programme name from ' Dial the hotline , Solve homework issues' to ' After school I.C.U'.

All the content in this programme remains unchanged, but it suddenly draw most of people's attention again because of the name , and many primary school students call this hotline just for fun.

It has inspired a successful business man who has bought an old cinema on this island recently which has closed down for more than 30 years ago due to some unpleasant past. He decided to re-open this cinema and only comedy type movies are accepted.  He renamed the cinema  'International Comedy United' cinema, the abbreviation name is I.C.U cinema.

End of story

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