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Year: embarassing moment, forgot the time

Place: embarassing place, but still remembered it happened in somewhere else in Australia

People: Simon- chinese Australian, future detective, a university student at that time, plus few PIECES of his local classmates.

Story type: Comedy-inspired from a real story

A group of people were sitting on the floor playing cards in the living room, suddenly a young female in white shirt was shooting out from kitchen....

young female in white was shouting out " there is a very awful insect in the kitchen, I want to throw up now."

At the moment, besides from Simon, all people were running into kitchen to see what was happening out of curiosity, they were all nearly rushing out in a second.

Simon seemed to be very calm.

A girl in yellow shirt looked scared and said" This is very disgusting, this creature has 8 hairy legs in total, he has a big head, and is just exactly as big as his body, also, all legs are moving at the same time, this is one of most creepy things I have ever seen."

Simon still looked very calm and asked " boys and girls , you all have to calm your farm, is it a hairy spider?"

Girl in yellow shirt responsed to him " spot on, Simon, it seems you are the only one here not scared of spiders, It make us freak out."

Simon couldn't help laughing and replied" of course not, I was living in a farm when I was still in China 10 years ago, these types of spiders just can be found everywhere, you should all remember the only thing to fear is fear itself."  He came to the kitchen and quickly grabbed the spider with his bare hand. he put it in a small bottle after his classmates stopped him from putting into his mouth.

Everyone admired his courage, but it seems that he looked down a bit on his local classmates.

All of a sudden, Simon was running out of the house from the living room and people could hear an annoying big scream at the same time.

They found a big croaches was coming out from a long couch they sat before. In fact,  most of australians are not afraid of croaches. On the contrary, many chinese do no matter they are male ore female.


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