An Old cinema 3- Talking Dianosaur and Ronaldo

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Place: Lamma Island, NSW, Australia

People: Simon- Chinese Australian, detective

              Ronaldo-Korean,an owner of a shop for selling men's suit

             Thomas- A fitness trainer, 25 years old at the time

              Talking dianosoar called Zombie- ( hold your horses, you may say 'talking dinosaur is not  belonging to human beings', hey, are you discriminating?)

Story Type: Comedy+ Mystery

Story begins.........................

Detective Simon looked very constipated sitting in a dark room, when camera came closer, he actually was sitting on a director chair and holding a glass of red wine on his hand, he looked like .... an idiot.

Simon was talkng to camera in front of him " My dear audiences, is there anybody know everyone has 3 flames on your front side of body to prevent ghosts from attacking you, one is on your forehead, two are on each side of your shoulder, when one of its flame disappears, you are likely to be attacked or occupied by ghosts. You may ask when it would happen, no worry mate, let me tell you all about this, the following story happened on my senior friend-Thomas 30 years ago, if he had known this at the time, he won't.....

At one night, 30 years ago, Thomas went to a cinema to watch a film ' Talking dinosaur K.O. Korean Ronaldo' by himself, he was sitting in the middle seat of the middle row enjoying the movie.


A baby dinosaur  Zombie looked like a crocodile was crying, there was a tall Korean man called Ronaldo standing behind him. Zombie 's eye was bursting with tears and said " I knew this is all my fault to steal Amani suit from your shop, but I can't afford to buy a brand new one and this is the only condition the Asian boss Lee would hire me as a sale representative for water purified sachet in fish tank."

Ronaldo looked very angry, his face had turned from yellow to red and then black. He said "there is no excuse at all, I give you two options. I call the police right now or you eat Korean super spicy noddle in front of me."

The baby dinosaur looked excited and agreed with the offer, but he couldn't expect Ronaldo force him to eat the noddle by..... Noses. He started to cry again and the Korean man Ronald said with creepy laughing voice " Don't hurry, I am happy." All the sudden, the music background has changed. It looked like the film reached the climax and something was going to happen....

Back to audience's seats

At the same time, a sweet young female voice from Thomas 's back said" Excuse me, can I ask for a cigarrette please?", Thomas was concentrating on the film, he did not turn his head back and  just passed a cigarette to the back, but surprisingly, the girl did not take it. After half minute, the young girl spoke again" excuse me, young man, would you mind also helping me to light my cigarette?"

Thomas looked like running out of patience little bit and said with soft voice " I am just watching the most exciting part of the film, let me finish it first, then I get back to you. OK?" The young girl behind him replied politely " Don't hurry, I am happy." indeed, her voice was still very sweet.

Back to the film......

Talking dinosaur suddenly stood up and made use the advantage of his giant body to hold Ronaldo's both arms firmly. He forced this Korean man to eat the spicy noddle by .. Ears, most of the audiences were laughing out and looked very happy with the ending of the film.

Thomas finally turned back and was going to help the young lady to light up the cigarette. He abruptly found that the lady behind him actually looked like over 60 years old. It gave him a shock, but he still  tried to help light up a cigarette and handed it to her. The old lady in green shirt looked very reliable and kind, she said" young man, come closer, your face come closer to me."

After 5 seconds, a big scream was made from the middle seat. Unfortunately, from that day on, Thomas never have a chance to go to this cinema anymore.

Simon pretended to be friendly, he really tried very hard to come closer to the camera and said "Dear audience, this is the end of the story, does it sound interesting? ha-ha-ha-ha (very annoying laughing voice)." All the sudden, his old friend Thomas turned up behind Simon, he became an old man after 30 years and looked very pale on his face. He did not look like human beings at all and said " That is right, if I knew this before, I won't turn my head back and won't be kissed by the mad old woman, she had just escape from the mental health centre at that night and unluckily was sitting behind me. I had been prohibited to go to that cinema since I made a big scream to disturb other audiences.............. "

End of the story

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