Part 5 (Volume 1)

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Horikita POV

During the break after the announcement of test results, I approached Chabashira-sensei to ask a question. "Chabashira-sensei how did those three pass the exam?"

She turned to me and said "So you came and asked about that huh? I was observing the three of them for awhile. It seems that they've been frequenting the library before the midterms."

"The Library? Then it seems my suspicions were correct. Someone was helping them." I stated.

"Correct." she agreed with me.

"But who would do such a thing? Why hide it?"

Is it even a person from our class or an outsider? There doesn't seem to be anyone interested in teaching those three in our class. I doubt anyone from our class did it as the class had its own study sessions. But why would a person from a higher class help us? Out of pity?

Deep in my thoughts, Chabashira-sensei sighed and interrupted me.

"Horikita, are you seriously questioning this first?"

"What do you mean?"

"You were wrong to describe them idiots who refused to change. Maybe they are idiots, but at least they overcame the problem." she retorted.

"Someone was doing that for them."

"Then aren't they your ally?" she replied.

"Assuming that this person was an ally is a bit farfetched. Not only do we not know their motives, we also don't know if they would help again." I said to her

"Then rely on the other people in the class.You cannot rise up to Class A alone. There are repercussions to your class if an expulsion were to occur."

"What? Why withhold such important information?"

"I didn't tell you this since I didn't think you would be foolish enough to take the risk. I'm disappointed really. Without the little helper, Class D would have no chance of ascending to at least Class C." she remarked.

"You cannot pull the class up alone. How do you think your brother did it?" she continued.

"You didn't think I would mention this? That's why you truly disappoint me. Your brother is the famous student council president and he has you as a sister? You must be joking. You should find out how he did it. Or can you not even ask him that? " She walked away saying those words.

As I clenched my fist. The words my brother uttered kept echoing in my head. "You'll never reach Class A. It's pointless."


After waiting long for a golden opportunity, it finally came.


I've been waiting for the moment that they split paths to corner one of them.

"What do you want from me? Are you gonna say so~rry?" he said while having a large grin.

"What were you doing going to the library before the midterms? Does that have something to do with you having unusually high scores."


"Oh? So you are hiding something?"

I let him panic to not give him time to think.

"Were you meeting someone from another class? Don't tell me you planned to betray the class for your own sake."

"No!..I..studied..onmy own! That's right" he said stuttering.

"Impossible. No one's gonna believe you. Tell me who you met or I'll tell everyone that you planned to betray them. No one will believe you studying on your own or with Sudo-kun amd Ike-kun and getting those results. Everyone else was studying with Hirata so that should give them the clue."

"You're wrong!..It was Sudo's friend!"

"Teaching you wouldn't be enough to get you those scores. Tell me the truth or you'll end up a traitor in their eyes. You might even get expelled if you were cheating"

He quickly opened his bag and showed me...exam papers from the previous year.

"Who did you meet?"

"A-Ayanokouji..from Class A."

Bingo. What an idiot. He cracks too fast under pressure.

A student from Class A? Why would he help them?
Did he gain something back? I guess I would need to gain more information on him.

Kiyotaka POV

The midterms passed without much problem for Class A. Though I'm not sure about Sudo's situation. The result was us having 1004 points for the exams. After the scores were announced, Sakayanagi approached me.

"Ayanakouji-kun, isn't it too conspicuous that you scored 70 on every test?" Sakayanagi said.

"Coincidences can be scary." I retorted.

"As expected from you. Still, why not go all out? We're in Class A. It's not out of the ordinary for someone to have remarkable grades."

"I don't want to attract too much attention."

"Haven't you done so already?"

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't side with neither me nor Katsuragi-kun. That makes you stand out. On top of that, we still meet like this."

"Is that the case?"

"Very much so."

I didn't really have anyone to talk to so I guess that maybe true.

"Well, if you may excuse me, I'm taking my leave." she said as she walked away.

"The princess sure holds you in high regards."

I turned around as I found a man with blonde hair.

"Hashimoto right?:

"Yeah. But still, it seems that you are the closest to her in the whole class except maybe Kamuro."

"No, it's just because we had past ties."

"But why not join her side?"

"It's just my policy to be neutral to things."

"I see. Well, I've gotta go somewhere. See ya."

He left and I looked around and saw another student staring at me. He seems to be from Sakayanagi's faction. I believe his name was Kito. Looks like he was listening to our conversation. Soon after, he left and went to the direction of Hashimoto. Now, aside from him, a girl was also tailing me.

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