Part 2 (Volume 1)

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After the explanation of what this school is, class has been dismissed. The time given to us was for buying necessities and checking out one's individual room, as well as the facilities this large campus has to offer. I've already checked out my room on the 4th floor of the dormitories. I guess its time to buy some necessities.

As I was approaching the convenience store. I saw Sakayanagi walking behind Kamuro. It seems they were talking about something. Kamuro suddenly became angered by something that Sakayanagi said.

What am I even doing? I was just staring at them. If I continue doing this, I would just gain the unnecessary attention of others passing by, as well as forcing attention on them. I entered the convience store and gathered all the necessities I need. 100,000 yen given to a high schooler is unusual.


I looked at where the voice originated from. I saw a girl with long black hair staring at something. I followed her gaze and found a basket filled with free items. How unusual.

"Maybe its for those who spent up all their points."

"Isn't the school being too lenient?" she muttered.

I then heard a ruckus near the cashier of the convenience store. It was between 4 students. One had prominent red hair while the other 3 were second-years.

"Idiot." she exclaimed as she left.

I went closer to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"What class are you in? I'm pretty sure you're in D class." said a second-year student.

"Huh!? What's that supposed to mean?"

"We'll let you go for now. You'll suffer hell anyway." The second-years said while walking away.

Hell? I wonder what he meant by that?

"Are you ok?" I asked as I tried to clean up the mess they made.

"Yeah, I'm fine...You know you don't have to clean up."

"It's fine."

After what I said he started helping me clean up the mess.

"What's your name?" he asked me.


"Mine is Sudou...Thanks..I guess.." he said while flabbergasted about the situation.

We finished cleaning up. He gave me his contact number, thanked me once again and left. Did I just make a friend? I didn't really make any friends from my introduction or have interacted with anyone but my neighbour. I guess there is something that came out of this.

Second Day

It is the first day of class. Nothing really interesting happened much during class. The students were participative as well as the teacher's being warm and friendly. Classes ended without problem. During lunch time, I was approached by Sakayanagi.

"Um...would you mind having lunch with me Ayanokouji-kun?"

I really don't have anyone to eat with anyway. So it's fine. Gaining more friends wouldn't be so bad.


"Then shall we go?" she asked. I just nodded.

"I apologize for my slow pace." she said while we were walking towards the cafeteria.

"It's fine. We have a lot of time anyway."

As we reached a table after getting our lunches. She suddenly brought up a wierd statement.

"It's been a long time Ayanokouji-kun. It's been 8 years."

"Could you have possibly me mistaken me for someone else?" I asked.

After a short silence she uttered the words "White Room.". I lost my composure.

"It must be disheartening for you to hear those words."

Who is she? I'm sure of it, I've never seen her face before. I know I haven't lost any of my memories.

"This is quite the reunion. I never thought I would see you again. It's alright if you don't know me." she stated.

"Please be at ease, I won't tell anyone about you, 'Masterpiece of the White Room'."

She really does know me. Has she been there in that place? She was probably looking through the glass.
But to think that that man still comes up in this place. Coincidences can be scary.

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