Part 16 (Volume 4)

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Kiyotaka POV

I was in my room. Me and Sakayanagi had played chess last night for a few hours. I immediately fell asleep arriving at my bed. I woke up and found that I had overslept a little. My roommates were all out and about.

Every student was just leisurely enjoying their time. Facilities had nearly many forms of entertainment. One could easily spend their time in luxury without running out of things to do.

Suddenly two people walked into the room.

"Yo, Ayanokouji!"

It was Hashimoto and Kito.

"What is it?"

"Want to go to the restaurant at lunch?"

"Well, I guess I have no reason to refuse."

Heading to the restaurant during lunchtime, people were giving me glances. I even saw a few people murmuring.

"Ah! Hello Ayanokouji-kun, Hashimoto-kun, Kito-kun. Heading for lunch?" Nishikawa saw us and greeted us.


"Can I join you? My friends already ate lunch before me. I overslept a little."

"Sure. The more the merrier I guess." Hashimoto said.

We went to the restaurant and sat at a free table. A few students had their eyes on me.

"Hey Ayanokouji-kun, you're getting quite the reputation you know?" Nishikawa started the conversation.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you're becoming a hot topic for the girls in Class A and some in the other classes as well."

"That just sounds like it would bring much trouble to me."

"C'mon don't say that. Lots of guys would die to be in your situation." Hashimoto chimed in.

"I thought you were the type to not attract attention, Ayanokouji-kun."

"I would like for that as much as possible, but circumstances got in my way."

"By the way, what are you going to do about Katsuragi-san?"

"What about him?"

"I mean you pretty much embarrassed him in front of the entire class. You might be nominated as class rep."

Those words came to haunt me much later on.

"Frankly, I'm not interested in becoming class rep or anything like that."

"Then why did you even do what you did?" The three questioned.

"I just felt like having more private points would be handy. Also, I got bored on the island." Though these weren't my true thoughts on the matter. I just wanted to not risk being held for expulsion.

"Wait, you just got bored and wanted to have fun? Very impressive, Boss."

Boss? Hashimoto dubbed me a weird nickname. But this gave me the opportunity to dodge the question.

"Wait, what's with that nickname?"

"Well, isn't that fitting?"

"I guess it's kind of a cute nickname." Nishikawa spilled her thoughts.

"Anyway, now that we have an entire cruise to ourselves. We should enjoy the rest of our time here." Hashimoto stated.

"Then, where should we go first?" Nishikawa stated.

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