Part 7 (Volume 2)

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Kiyotaka POV

"Eh? Wait, princess your saying that I have to help Ayanokouji find evidence?"

"I suppose I made a mistake. Let me rephrase that. Help Ayanokouji-kun in stopping Class C."

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"Hashimoto-kun, stopping them doesn't necessarily mean you use evidence. There are other means. But without proper evidence, it would be hard to issue suspensions."

"Wait, so why go through the trouble?"

"To hurt the pride of their leader of course."

"You mean Ryueen?"

"Ryueen?" I asked.

"The dictator of Class C. It seems as if he tamed his class with fear mongering tactics. Whether or not he made the plan, as a leader, he would be furious if the plan fails. I suppose we're just testing them. More importantly, Ayanokouji-kun seems to be willing to cooperate for the first time." Sakayanagi replied.

"Just for that?"

"I look forward to how to deal with them Ayanokouji-kun."

Hashimoto was left in a state of confusion. After lunch break, we all went to the classroom. However, Hashimoto seems to have become curious of me after that interaction.

Timeskip After Classes

"Ayanokouji, where do we start?"

"Let's start by approaching the person who is looking for witnesses on the message board. They're most likely the easiest to approach. That or we approach Sudou directly."

Hashimoto opened his phone and checked the message board. It was listed there that there was a reward of private points to those who could help.


"What is it?"

"No, it's just that the person who posted this was from Class B."

"Then let's just find Sudou then."

"Looks like we found them anyways. Should we just leave?"

"No, the more we delay it the less time we have to find evidence. We need to get some information first before we could do anything." I replied.

"Wow, you and the princess really think alike."

His comment aside, we found Sudo with four other people.


"Ayanokouji, what are you doing here?"

Hashimoto looked at me shocked. I suppose he didn't expect me to be aquainted with Sudou.

"Ehm, do you two know each other?" The girl with short hair asked us.

"Yeah, we met at the convenience store." Sudo replied.

"Aren't the two of you from Class A?" she continued interrogating us.

"Yes, that's right." Hashimoto answered.

"I believe your both close to Sakayanagi-san...Hashimoto-kun was it?"


"We just came here to help out Sudo."

"Well since you know each other, I guess it's okay. By the way, my name is Kushida."

Kushida? So she is Sakayanagi's source of information. It seems that she knows Hashimoto as well.

A few seconds of introductions and I now know the others' names to be Hirata, Ichinose, and Kanzaki. Apparently, Ichinose and Kanzaki offered to help Class D.

However, I noticed the girl that was following me was eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Ayanokouji, it's the girl that's been tailing you." Hashimoto mentioned the situation.

"Yeah, I got it. Ignore it for now."

Hashimoto nodded in reply. The other five didn't seem to have noticed her. Afterwards, the four explained the situation. None of them found anything yet. We came out empty-handed.

"What about we search the complex for the incident tomorrow." I gave a suggestion.

"Wouldn't that be pointless?" Ichinose asked.

"No, I want to check for cameras."
Everyone was confused by my words.

"If they really did it, then wouldn't they check for cameras beforehand?" Hashimoto questioned.

"I'm not talking about cameras for them. I'm talking about cameras that may have captured witnesses."

"I suppose it's worth a shot." Kushida said.

However, this was just an excuse. I wanted one of them to realize that they could set a trap for Class C.

We soon parted ways with the other five.

"Hashimoto, go ahead."

He just stared at me confused.

"Don't worry I'll just confront the girl that's been eavesdropping."

Hashimoto just nodded and then left.

Since the group just parted ways, she's still nearby. It wouldn't be hard to guess the direction that she would be heading. Meeting her was bound to happen, but I still need to find her motives.

A/N: Just saying, but the ships poll is still ongoing though Kamuro and Sakayanagi have about more than a 40-point lead against everyone else. Sakayanagi is in the lead. The poll will end in about 24 hours or when the next chapter arrives. If you want to support your character than vote for her in the previous post.

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