Part 12 (Volume 3)

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Kiyotaka POV

With Sakayanagi out of the picture, half of Class A would move reluctantly on Katsuragi's plan. He planned to immediately claim as many spots as possible. Looks like he figured out the spot locations from the ship as I did.

His right-hand man Yahiko, was chosen as the leader. He, without a plan, claimed spots immediately. Katsuragi was forced to rush after him. I followed after a slight delay.

"Where are you going?" Kamuro asked while chasing after me. She was clearly annoyed at me for this.

I was going slower than my fastest pace. Just enough for her to keep up. If I'm not wrong, she has one of the highest physical capabilities among the girls.

"I assume you're following me for the whole day? If so, then I'll just say we're going after Yahiko and Katsuragi."

"What? Why?"

"One of them is the leader. If they happen to get spotted by someone while claiming a spot. They would be able to narrow it down to the two of them."

"Then why not go after them immediately?"

"Katsuragi would be surely suspicious if we just followed him. He might stop us in our tracks."

"Wait. Do you even know where you're going?"


We raced to a cave where both of them went.


"What's going on? What are you two doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious? We're going to serve as fakes for the leader."

"Fakes? Well, it is true that your presence certainly helps us in hiding the leader's identity. But how did you figure out where we are?"

Revealing too little here would only be counterproductive.

"I saw the positions of the spots on the ship as you did."

"You have good observation."

"No, it's just that the announcement felt off."

"The majority of students didn't even flinch about the announcement. More importantly, you couldn't just find out that we were in the cave without deducing that this would be the best location to exercise control. How modest of you."

I quickly ignored his question and moved on.

"In any case, it's better for us four to move together. There doesn't seem to be any people around us yet. I suggest you also periodically send out different groups of people to throw other classes off."

"But that would use too much energy. We have to be resourceful in this exam."

"Protecting the leader is the most essential part of this exam. If a single class guessed our leader correctly. We would lose all the points we'll earn from this exam."

"What do you think the lower classes would do to narrow the gap between them and Class A?"

"...That's true."

Though I think Class C would be the only class actively searching out the other leaders, I still tried to fish out his overly cautious nature.

"Then, for now, we should gather the rest of the class here and make this the base of operations."

The class was soon completed here on this spot. Katsuragi was discussing with everyone what expenses should be made to be as efficient as possible.

"To think you would be quick-witted." Kamuro spoke to me.

"Is there a problem with that?"

"No, but don't you just stare into nothing? You always look like you're clueless."

"Isn't that a bit hurtful?"

"Why should I care?"

I can't imagine anyone keeping this attitude up all the time. How tiresome.

"It would be good for socializing don't you think?"

"I have no need for that."

"Then why bother with Sakayanagi?"

She flinched when I asked that. If what she says is the absolute truth, then she would just ignore Sakayanagi. If she truly had a different reason other than being forced, then she wouldn't look irritated at her.

"You...were you probing me?"

"No, I was just asking a question that made me curious."

"So is this the reason that little devil favors you."

Little devil?

"I think you're giving me too much credit."

"Now you're just plain denying it. You act like a lazy and dumbfounded person during class and yet you actually have a brain that may rival Katsuragi's. What is your deal?"

"I just don't like standing out."

"Oh? Then why are you actively participating in this exam?"

"It's so I wouldn't stand out as much in the future."

"I seriously don't understand what you're saying."

"In the future you might."

"What a problematic life you're living."

"Certainly not as irksome of a life as yours."

"Ouch. Why did you just kick me?"

"To think that you would just complain in a monotonous voice while getting hurt. Are you just making fun of me?"

"Wait what? No, that's just my expression."

I received a kick to the leg that was much more painful than the last. I tried to groan in pain but that sounded awful even with my ears.

"What is wrong with you? Aren't you just a weirdo?"

She said while lifting off her annoyed expression. She would be beautiful if she hadn't had that on her for the majority of the time.

"That still hurts my feelings you know."

"Then maybe you'll just let out another weird noise."

It was enjoyable just having a casual conversation like this. As I saw Hashimoto stealing glances at us and grinning at me, a student of Class C approached Katsuragi. Looks like he called him out for a meeting.

They were going deeper through the forest. I sneakily followed after them. I saw a student who appears to be their leader.

I heard about a contract about them providing us with the leaders' names of the other classes and points to spend on necessities.

No matter how I see it. This is a bad deal for Class C. Unless, certain situations happen. Looking at what Ryueen has done so far. His methods are certainly underhanded.

If he plans to overtake us, he would need to negate all the points we've earned so far. The only way of doing so would be to guess our leader. But, if they guessed incorrectly Class A would be unreachable in terms of class points.

Katsuragi and this guy who's apparently Ryueen, Class C's dictator. He explained to the class the contract and the points that we would give his class every month.

Though I don't mind it, Class A students would certainly be troubled by this. How fortunate that this contract was offered to Class A. That would make my job extremely easier.

A/N: If you're wondering what that special thing is, check the Christmas special again. And also, updates would be slower due to my break ending.

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