Rejection or Redirection

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I stared at their pack house, it was big, bigger than ours at least. Silver moon, the pack of peace and serendipity, they were a large pack, filled with families. It was the perfect place for families to spend their lives and for kids to grow up, it was a very peaceful pack and rarely, if ever, had any sort of war with other packs.

What I couldn't understand was the bond I felt to this pack. Everything about them drew me in, I wanted to help them, laugh with them, cry with them, be there for them. From the time I walked in to this pack, I felt attracted to it, like an invisible thread tying me to it.

"C'mon sugar pie we need to go," my dad said dragging me along. He was the beta of our pack, Blood Moon which was the exact opposite of silver moon. We were all about death and war. Definitely not family-friendly.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we joined the other people from our pack, the alpha, his son, my two older brothers and the gamma, Uncle Rick.

"To meet the Alpha." Aiden, one of my two annoying brothers answered.

"He's supposed to be a great fighter." Kayden, Aiden's twin and my second annoying brother commented, "Maybe he could teach me a few moves,"

"Yeah? Well I heard he's an ass." Aiden said, "He's supposed to be a womanizer and a total no-gooder!"

"We don't know that. Those could all just be rumors." I said defending a person I'd never actually met.
I felt my wolf stirring inside, growling at Aiden. But why? Aiden was no threat, my wolf loved her twin brothers.

She felt protective of the silver moon alpha and the pack itself. Like really protective, like lay down her life for them protective.

"I'm serious Chlo- he might me attractive but he's literally a piece of walking trash-

"Hey Alpha!" Bryce, our alpha's son yelled interrupting Aiden's insults before shooting Aiden a practically murderous glare.

I will forever remember the moment he turned around. His face was perfect, deep blue eyes that held you captive, the most beautiful rose-colored lips that I was dying to kiss. His arms bulged with muscles, his tight black t-shirt showing them off to the world. He seemed delicately carved each and every part of him, from his silky black hair to the very tip of his toes. He smelled delicious, like a mixture of pinecones and spring air. His scent wrapped around me, eliciting hidden feelings inside of me.

It was like I was in a completely different universe. I forgot where I was, who I was with.
My eyes met his, looking into his dark blue pools I felt my wolf stand up. Her interest piqued, she reached out to his wolf.

In that moment, I found my mate.

"Um Chloe?" Aiden shook me, I turned coming out of my trance to find that I'd pushed myself to the front of the group. I turned back to my mate, waiting for him to claim me, to tell them I was his.

But all he did was smirk at me and discreetly put a finger to his lips. I stared at him in anger. If he wasn't going to announce himself as my mate, I'd do it for him.

"Ma- "I started only to get interrupted when a girl came running into his arms. I waited for him to shake her off saying he had a mate but he didn't, instead lifting her up and turning her around before connecting his lips with hers.

My mouth fell open as my wolf growled out her anger. She wanted to rip out that she-wolf's head.
But she couldn't, if he wanted somebody else there was no way I was forcing myself into his life.

"Ma- what?" Kayden asked me,

"Huh?" I replied too heart-broken to make sense of anything.

"You said Ma- something," Aiden repeated,

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