You accidentally embarrass your daughter

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You and Charlie both loved your daughter Libby a lot, but like most teenagers she sometimes found you guys REALLY embarrassing. Like when you accidentally yelled out the window that you loved your "little libby bear" and to add to insult to injury you also yelled if the boy she was talking to was her crush. Charlie wasn't off the hook either.

He would sing a song he wrote for Libby when she was a baby really loud. It was called 'My baby girl' and Libby was totally embarrassed by it now. So it was no surprise that she dreaded the school calling both of you to come pick her up because she felt sick. You and Charlie got in the car and rushed over to the school.

When you got there, you both went to Libby's classroom, and there she was mortified that you actually showed up. "Hi we're Libby's mommy and daddy and we got a call that Libby is sick?" The class chuckled and Libby pushed her head down on her desk. The teacher pointed you to libby and you and Charlie rushed over to her. "Oh Libby are you okay pookie?" Charlie asked. "Daddd" Libby said quietly.

You put hand on her forehead and cheek. "She might have a fever." You tilted libby's chin up. "Sweetheart do you have a sick tummy? Do you need to toss your cookies?" Libby shook her head. "Guys can we please do this in the car?" "Of course we can baby-kins. Here hold our hands." Charlie said. The class started giggling. "But dad I don't want to" Libby said whispering. "But we just wanna make sure that you get to the car safely just in case you get dizzy."

Libby grabbed her things and tried to rush out of the classroom but you ran after her while Charlie signed some papers. "Mommy's coming sweetie." It's not like you and Charlie were purposely trying to humiliate Libby, it's just that you both loved her dearly and you're mama and papa bear instincts kicked in.

You escorted Libby to the car. Charlie came out 3 minutes after you and you put your hand on Libby's knee. Libby's face was red from embarrassments as you and Charlie drove off. The embarrassment didn't stop there of course. When you three went inside the house, you rushed Libby upstairs to her room. "Libby, get dressed in your pj's okay. Mommy and daddy will check on you later."

You went downstairs and you and Charlie fixed Libby some broth.  You both went upstairs to take it to her. Libby was talking to her friends over a video call on her laptop when you and Charlie busted in. "Sugerbear, we made you some nice hot broth." Charlie tied a napkin around her, while you grabbed the spoon and put some broth in Libby's mouth. But before she could protest, you and Charlie both kissed each side of her cheeks. "Mmmmwah, enjoy your lunch Libby bear." Charlie said. Libby's cheeks were red but it didn't stay that way for long.

Libby followed you two out of her room. "I love you guys."

"Aww we love you too Libby." You and Charlie said hugging her.

Hope you like this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!


Charlie puth imagines 2 💚💚Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora