Just for tonight

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You and Charlie knew this was the end of the road for your relationship. So that's why you decided to spend one last night with him. You walked down the long halfway through the motel. Charlie carrying a bottle of wine and you walking in front silent as a mouse. With Charlie traveling and you sometimes going with him and always having to put your life on hold was too much.

And Charlie knew it wasn't fair for you, but nonetheless he asked to be strong for him. And you agreed. After all, you loved Charlie and you still really did. But it just wasn't going to last because you needed freedom. You got to your room and Charlie followed you in closing the door.

You got the two wine glasses from the bag you were holding and poured you and Charlie a glass. "Cheers to us." You said clinking your glass with Charlie's. "Napa valley is pretty at this time of night. With the sun setting."Charlie said. You nodded. You both took a sip of your wine.

"Remember that last time we visited Napa valley? You ran through the wine fields shirtless just to prove you had abs?" You said. Charlie and you busted out in laughter. "Yeah, thank goodness we were the only ones there." He said. You took another sip of your wine. You drank all your wine just like Charlie did and so you set your cup down and layed on the bed. You could feel Charlie's body shaking so you cuddled next to him. You sat up and looked at Charlie as he put his hand on your cheek. You both wish that you could stay together but your dreams collided with each other's.

You looked away because you didn't want Charlie to see the tears rolling down your cheeks. You felt his finger wipe them off. You climbed off the bed and poured yourself some more wine. You started laughing again. Charlie looked at you and smiled. "Charlie remember that time when we were at the London eye and how you were astonished when I told that I thought it was actual eye when I was little?"

Charlie giggled. "Yeah." He said. "Remember when we got wasted in paris and you started walking like a duck?" You laughed really hard. "Yeah we were huge embarrassments when we were sober again." Charlie started laughing really hard. You sat on the bed drinking your wine. When you finished it, you turned to Charlie who leaned in and kissed you passionately. It felt like the first time when you kissed. You wished it could've stayed that way.

Midnight hit and you and Charlie fell asleep. You slept for what felt like a couple minutes. You looked at the clock and saw that it was a couple minutes after 3. You looked over at Charlie who was sound asleep. You got up and quietly grabbed your emerald green coat. Your shiny pink nails shimmed as the light from outside the window hit it. You grabbed your high heel ankle boots and took one last look at Charlie before giving him a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Goodbye Charlie." You whispered to yourself. And with that you quietly tiptoed out the door and down the hallway pretty soon walking out the door. You didn't know, but you deep down you knew Charlie felt that kiss on the cheek and he knew you left. But waking up and saying goodbye would have been too painful. But it's over now so you and Charlie were both free.

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