Window serenade

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"Yn you never listen to me!" Your boyfriend Charlie shouted from across the room. "Because you're never right! You always make the most stupidest decisions!" You fired back. Charlie was so fed up, he walked away and slammed the door in your face as hard as he could.

You took a seat on the couch and buried your head into your hands. You hated it when you and Charlie fought. You treasured those peaceful moments and those happy days, and to see it be ripped away from you was gut wrenching. Even worse you were scared Charlie wouldn't come back. Even though you knew he would, it was still a scary record to play in your mind over and over again. were right this time. Charlie did make a bad decision when he spent both of your money on a new car for him. This time he had went a little too far and you weren't afraid to let him know that. But instead of apologizing, he gets mad and calls you ungrateful for not appreciating that "you could take the car out whenever you wanted," You scoffed at that and told Charlie he was immature and selfish for not talking to you about it. And of course it escalated into a big fight. You felt horrible and decided to go upstairs and rest to take your mind off it.

It wasn't until a half hour later you heard keyboard noises coming from your window. It was Charlie with his keytar. 

"Pleaseee beee patient with me, Pleeesssee beeee patient with me, I know I'm not what you need, but baby I'm gonna be so, pleaassse beeee patient with me."

You were intrigued with what Charlie was doing. "I'm sorry yn, I was wrong I returned the car. You deserve better." You ran out to him and hugged him. "It's okay baby, I love you,"

"I love you too."

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