Lean on me

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Charlie was trying to meet his deadline for an album. You could tell it was stressing him out and so you thought it would be best to give him his space. But Charlie was really stressed out. One day Charlie kinda broke down and started hyperventilating. You ran into the studio and comforted Charlie. "Charlie it's okay it's okay I'm here shh I'm here." You rubbed his back while Charlie cried a little. "Don't worry about it Charlie. Why don't you take a break? Come on I'll make you some tea." You walked Charlie out of the studio and sat him down on the couch.

You went into the kitchen and heated up a tea kettle. Once it started hissing, you ran into the kitchen and turned off the stove. You poured the hot water into each of the tea cups. "What type of tea would you like Charlie?" "Peppermint." He said. You put peppermint tea into each of your cups. You handed one to Charlie. "Thank you yn. I don't know what came over me! I usually don't do that but...." He blew on his tea. "I was pushing myself to my limit. Way beyond my limit." You nodded taking a sip of your tea. "It's okay Charlie we all do that sometimes." You told Charlie that this break was just what he needed to probably make his album even better.

Charlie nodded. You both just relaxed drinking your teas and Charlie fell asleep on the couch. He woke up and you fixed him a healthy dinner. After dinner Charlie started back to working on his album and within a couple weeks, he finished it. "I can't wait to hear it Charlie!" Charlie played it for you.

"Don't listen to what people say bout me and you. Cause they just don't know anything about what we do. Baby we're the ones, they're all jealous of. Don't listen to them, cause right now baby it's just me and you."

"That sounds amazing Charlie!" You said. Charlie wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you on to his lap. "Thanks for being someone to lean on. I couldn't have finished this album without you." You looked at Charlie and kissed him.

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