w-wait what?!

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bakugo pov:

today was normal class, training, those idiots annoying me.. yep normal. walking into the common room i noticed i was alone*
"final peace and quiet" i said out loud and flopped onto the sofa and opening my phone.
"hey bakugo"
"h-huh?!- ow!-"
great..i fell off, that hurt. who's here anyways i thought looking up. todoroki- greattt.
"ughh hi icy hot"
"you okay? here let me help you up" he said as his hand reached out for me.
reaching for it he pulled me up to my feet and looked slightly down at me.
"you didn't answer me, i asked if your okay"
"i- uh y'a i'm fine" idiot! when do i stutter?! he's gonna now i like him now! fuck-
"okay if you say so, are you blushing?"
"w-wait what?!- no of course not idiot!"
he started chuckling a bit.
wow i could t help but smile a bit
"ooo i made you smile?~"
"i- fuck"
what do i do now?!-
huh- i'm being hugged?!
i hugged back only to be picked up.
"ah! h-hey put me down!"
"no" he said as he started walking.

todoroki's pov:
he's so cute when flustered it makes me wanna hug him... would he mind? oh well. my thoughts stopped as i reached and hugged bakugo. he froze? oh no i messed up- huh!- he's hugging me back. awh. next thing i new i picked him up.
"ah! h-hey put me down!"
with that said i starts walking to my dorm. why? i don't have an answer to that. i smiled as he layes his head on my shoulder. i kept walking to my dorm till i reached it and opened my door.
"w-what are you doing?"
"uhh cuddles?"
he smiled. no answer but he smiled. i layed down holding him close.

we both fell asleep shortly after. i guess i have a boyfriend now.

ahhhhh okay yay original stuff. anyway, how was it? good? should i write longer chapters? i need feed back please♡︎

Word count: 344

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