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Cloudy: I'm the most responsible person in this group.

Jo: You just set the kitchen on fire!

Cloudy: Yes, and I claim full responsibility for that.


Jo: Guess I'm too tough to cry.

Alix: Just an hour ago you were crying over ghost blobs.

Jo tearing up: They don't have any arms-


Kay, holding a plastic spine: This is your spine

Pik: What the FUCK, put it back!?


Jo: I don't know what to get Alix for Christmas

Cloudy: I got them a ps5


Jo: Cloudy, did you kill someone for it

Cloudy: That's a secret I'll never tell


Cloudy: Will you marry me?

Alix: Is that a ring pop?

Cloudy: Is that a ‘no’?


Everyone: What do you have there?

Pik, hiding Nico: A smoothie


Maura: So, what’s your goal for the summer?

Jo: I’ve been banned from every major transportation system I know, except for one train in Moscow, Russia

Jo: I don’t know what their limit is, but I’m gonna fucking find it


Jo: I sort of did something stupid and I need your advice. But I don’t want any judgment or criticism.

Pik: ...and of all people, you came to me?


Nico: I say “fight me” a lot for someone that cries whenever one of my plushies fall off of the bed in the middle of the night.


Pik: What's in your bottle?

Alix: Water.

Pik: Doesn't look like water.

Alix, taking a sip: Well damn, Jesus did it again.


Pik: Oh! It started snowing!

Jo: God has broken out the parmesan, I see


Cloudy: no. this is real anger.

Cloudy: 100% real genuine rage.

Cloudy: I'm going to commit a felony.

Alix: Cloudy it's just uno, pick up your 4 cards




Alix: who THE FUCK taught you how to swear?



Jo: I am an emotional gangster.

Nico: You cried for an hour yesterday after you saw ducklings following their mother.

Jo: [tearing up] They were just lined up so perfectly and they KNEW


Pik: I'm a confident driver

Nico: You literally just ran over someone

Pik: Confidently.


Pik: Is 4 a lot?

Alan: Depends on the context

Alan: Dollars? No
Alan: Murders? Yes


Maura: Stop saying "I wish" and start saying "I will".

Pik: I will my parents still loved me.


Pik, T-posing in the doorway: Greetings, parental figure.

Jo, not looking up from their coffee: Good morning, problem child.


Pik: [holds up fancy-looking bottle] Is this whiskey or perfume?

Alan:  [grabs the bottle and drinks all of it]

Alan: It's perfume.


Jo: You were drunk last night

Alan: no i wasn't

Jo: you started cutting pineapples at 3am while yelling "stop hiding SpongeBob I know you're in there!"


Alan: did i find him tho


Maura: they.. ya know.. got intimate

Alix: Sex?

Pik: They slept together?

Kay: They were doing it?

Alan: They did the horizontal greased-weasel tango?

Jo: wtf alan


Cloudy: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined

Alix: Heck.

Cloudy: You're on thin fucking ice

Cloudy: oh no


Maura: Guess what number I'm thinking of!

Kay: 420

Maura: no.. and that was really immature of you. Someone else guess and please take this seriously

Pik: 69

Maura: ya it was 69


Pik: at my age do you know how im statistically most likely to die?

Jo: At the hands of your roommate

Pik: An accident.

Jo: That's how I'm going to make it look.


Kay: Hey I have a knock knock joke but you have to start it

Deano: ok
Deano: knock knock

Kay: who's there?

Deano: what the fuck

chaotic shit pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now